Hello, I am making this forums post because I think full invis are pretty unbalanced in the state of PVP and end ganks.
Why? I think its pretty dumb how one potion of invis and an ender pearl can get you a full set of gear just by walking over it and pearling away when someone kills the other. The person pvping worked hard for the set just to get it robbed by a full invis while the full invis gets all the gear by doing almost nothing. I think we can all agree that's pretty unfair. People may say "JUST USE A PARTICLE PACK KILL THE INVIS LOL!!!!!!" or "USE FIRE ASPECT" 1. The full invis is using fire res. 2. It's pretty difficult to kill a full invis when they're running away. Once they've pearled away your chances of killing them are almost none. 3. By the time particles come out and you acknowledge them, the full invis is already in a different position and 4. this doesn't always happen but there's at times more than 1 invis, so trying to kill multiple of them is super difficult. I think most of us can agree upon these things and that it is super unenjoyable to try and fight against this. For me, it kind of ruins the fun. I'm not known for good balancing but I have a an idea on how this can be nerfed. Have the invis when hit have a good amount of particles at a fast refresh to come out from the player. If you have anymore ideas let me know.
Why? I think its pretty dumb how one potion of invis and an ender pearl can get you a full set of gear just by walking over it and pearling away when someone kills the other. The person pvping worked hard for the set just to get it robbed by a full invis while the full invis gets all the gear by doing almost nothing. I think we can all agree that's pretty unfair. People may say "JUST USE A PARTICLE PACK KILL THE INVIS LOL!!!!!!" or "USE FIRE ASPECT" 1. The full invis is using fire res. 2. It's pretty difficult to kill a full invis when they're running away. Once they've pearled away your chances of killing them are almost none. 3. By the time particles come out and you acknowledge them, the full invis is already in a different position and 4. this doesn't always happen but there's at times more than 1 invis, so trying to kill multiple of them is super difficult. I think most of us can agree upon these things and that it is super unenjoyable to try and fight against this. For me, it kind of ruins the fun. I'm not known for good balancing but I have a an idea on how this can be nerfed. Have the invis when hit have a good amount of particles at a fast refresh to come out from the player. If you have anymore ideas let me know.