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No Plans to Implement New Capital Policy


Active Member
My idea for this new capital policy is simple, it disallows the use of a mod (of your choice) on your continent to everyone, including yourself.

For example, I dislike people using Rallying charge so I want to ban that, then neither I nor anyone else on my continent may use it. In the case that you have that mod at the time of it's ban, it is deleted and you receive a free mod on that tgen.

This policy would only have one option, neutral.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
While the concept is interesting, I do have a couple of concerns. We have always made sure we don't introduce win more mechanics, and policies that directly influence conquest are often just that. With this idea I see two scenarios. Either it's too weak because it is server wide and affects all sides equally. Therefore nobody picks it. Or it benefits the winning side because they are weak vs a certain module and strategy and this allows them to just outright ban it.

However something I could see us doing is randomly banning a module every month to keep things fresh and interesting. Or perhaps making a specific module cheap/free to encourage it's use that month.