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New Policy Suggestions!


Well-Known Member
One of the main reasons we all fight in conquest is for continent policy picks. As important as they are, policies have pretty much stayed the same for at least two years. They have failed to keep up with the ever changing Loka conquest system, and I think it is time that some new policies are added, or maybe some old ones are tweaked. So, in this post I am asking everyone to suggest continent capital/world capital policies. When suggesting, try to keep in mind that the goal of policies is to give the winners some rewards, but not be so overpowered that the rich keep getting richer and everyone else can't keep up. A few ideas that I had were:

Mutator Policy: Would allow a cap on the amount of mutators on your continent, possibly none at all.

Infested Tile Policy: Maybe your alliance would get more loot from an infested tile, or maybe just more infested tiles on a continent.

For reference here is the wiki link to all of the current Loka capital policies: https://loka.fandom.com/wiki/Capital_Policies

If you have any policy ideas, feel free to use this post to voice your ideas so they can be discussed at LCR meetings.
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how about we just add more of reason to even go for capital because no one cares whos capital anymore
For what it's worth a policy rework is something that we've talked about since even the time I was LCR, but I think we're finally nearing the point where it's becoming something really worth doing.

I like the two ideas you've got listed although I worry about them becoming an issue because of lack of consistency with the normal way Loka works.
i will never experience capital perks (I am in bits) but yeah please add more +1
there isnt much to do add and no one knows what to add thats a bit of the issue its just stale and neutral
One of the main reasons we all fight in conquest is for continent policy picks. As important as they are, policies have pretty much stayed the same for at least two years. They have failed to keep up with the ever changing Loka conquest system, and I think it is time that some new policies are added, or maybe some old ones are tweaked. So, in this post I am asking everyone to suggest continent capital/world capital policies. When suggesting, try to keep in mind that the goal of policies is to give the winners some rewards, but not be so overpowered that the rich keep getting richer and everyone else can't keep up. A few ideas that I had were:

Mutator Policy: Would allow a cap on the amount of mutators on your continent, possibly none at all.

Infested Tile Policy: Maybe your alliance would get more loot from an infested tile, or maybe just more infested tiles on a continent.

For reference here is the wiki link to all of the current Loka capital policies: https://loka.fandom.com/wiki/Capital_Policies

If you have any policy ideas, feel free to use this post to voice your ideas so they can be discussed at LCR meetings.
i think controlling where the infested and mutated tiles could be would be good, just location not an exact tile tho.
how about we just add more of reason to even go for capital because no one cares whos capital anymore
i agree, when u get cap u need to spent shit ton of sets for recruits ais and shit, just for cap, there should be more rewards for gettin cap