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New Season, New Era?


Active Member
In attempt to keep up with the Lore and define our ages/eras, I believe we're coming to a new one. With end of Season 3 being last night Season 4 begins along with more advertising and the onset of the next era as a result. This of course is just based on my thought process. I'd like everyone's input to see if you all agree.

My best way of naming the Fifth Age or era is the Era of Alliances. Territories were introduced along with the alliances and played a pivotal role in the dynamics of the server. I'm going to implement a wiki page and possibly a little lore. Feel free to add some info or thoughts so I can really round off what I write. Please?


Staff member
You know, introduction of Territories is a good switcher for Age 5 I think. Era of Alliances, War, Conquest... This has my vote.