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Suggestion No more spawnkilling


Active Member
The original post was in regards to a screenshot of Valyria and Stormgarde members repeatedly killing each other. The comment was about them being allies, not them with you.
Oh, I saw ACWaveLength say "The valyrians also spawnkilled in Volterra, and I don't think they're allies" So I was replying to that. :p


Active Member
Once you've been killed, and the enemy are in your portal room, they'll start repetitively slaughtering you and your town members for your heads, and for their stat tracking weapons to look better.

This is just one example of spawnkilling I've seen recently (most of them happen to be by the Valyrian ski resort for some reason).
View attachment 1264

To deter players from spawnkilling, I think there should be a cooldown for stat tracking weapons after killing someone once, and the same for beheading.
And maybe even a negative effect on stat tracking weapons, such as killing someone during the cooldown could take away the original kill.
Of course, there may be some situations where the cooldown may not be effective; such as if the killed player grabs some more armour and weapons and starts fighting again. If possible, the cooldown could take into consideration whether or not the player has armour and weapons or not, and may speed up or slow down depending on that.

I at least think spawnkilling should be addressed somehow.
The Problem with this is if you are camping the portal. And your friend is trying to get stuff out while keeping you busy. It allows the defender to block up u and your friend. It's just a little unbalanced, Plus there is already a bit of an spawn protection when u tp back