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Old World Coords


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Here i will list some of the more important coords from the old world, should you choose to visit them.

602's town = -1610, -420
Lolo's castle (the ring of fire) = 1960, -1960
Sand Villa = 353, -1405
Syris/fatpoulets town = -1036, -2930
Peters castle = 4050, -2380
Hyrule = 5000, -3500
Area 51 = 2600, 480
Church Town = 1200, 100
CO_OK_IE_dough's town = 830, 1860
Coreyp27's town = -550,-2440
Kools box = -3300, 550
Skylance = -185, 3000
Max temple = 755, 566
Ember = 1750, 1350

If there is anything else people want to see, i may have the coords, please let me know where you want to visit.


Well-Known Member
Awwww Magpieeeee

You know I made a kick ass tour guide

Edit: Heh, I just realised you put the portal up on the day that adder has gone to France. I told him France could only bring misfortune!


Well-Known Member
mopb3 said:
Edit: Heh, I just realised you put the portal up on the day that adder has gone to France. I told him France could only bring misfortune!
Damn you upper powers... :p enjoy the old world everyone!


Well-Known Member
The most griefed up town in our history: 50 1000

Numbed's Park: -1000 100