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Implemented Only people locked to a continent can go to nomad fights


Active Member
Please make it so that only people locked to a continent can go to a nomad fight I dont want to fight ALL OF WOLF FORCE AND COV. thank you fuh listening.


Well-Known Member
You shouldn't be able to bypass locks


Well-Known Member
-1. You don't lose strength so boo hoo and it's so other people can help new players make a town. Just stop placing with nomads @Cov @MoistPTownAlliance and actually place dur.


Active Member
Alright, boys so who's gonna tell him that the fight he linked was a normal conquest fight?
no, it wasn't LOL. it was neutral, I was on kairos at the time. the 2nd fight was a normal conquest, but the one In the grass area was a neutral bro ;D


Well-Known Member
no, it wasn't LOL. it was neutral, I was on kairos at the time. the 2nd fight was a normal conquest, but the one In the grass area was a neutral bro ;D
Ah maybe next time don't second literal links that are set to a time suggesting it was the fight you set it to dingus


Well-Known Member
this is so broken. froggy got pissed of when I did it, why should he be able to do it too?

"Everything is balanced until you're on the other side huh.." cant be a hippopotamus now, can u.
and also now that I understand you actually did show to his, his remark makes even more sense lmao, he is saying now that its on the flipside your team is here on the forums crying (the flip side being that you are losing) and yeah he was mad but from what I can tell he wasn't the one on the forums saying it should be undone, lmao.


Active Member
and also now that I understand you actually did show to his, his remark makes even more sense lmao, he is saying now that its on the flipside your team is here on the forums crying (the flip side being that you are losing) and yeah he was mad but from what I can tell he wasn't the one on the forums saying it should be undone, lmao.
last time i checked, he bugged crypt about it, as did I, asking how it was possible to fix, this being said, he said he had fixed it.


Well-Known Member
last time i checked, he bugged crypt about it, as did I, asking how it was possible to fix, this being said, he said he had fixed it.
From what I know if it is actually a bug as you claim that's just ridiculous lmao, in that case no one should be allowed to enter a nomads fight at all except them, but again that's just stupid.
But everyone here knows quite simply the fact you can get a nomad to place and neutralize other alliances strength with 0 cost is stupid, so if that's allowed then so should us entering the tile to help lmao, and it's nothing like reins! more like capital bountiful


Active Member
The thing is when we used it we only brought our continent. You guys are intentionally abusing it to get more numbers instead of doing an actual placement. It’s placing on someone and immediately getting reins without the ability to lose strength. If anything it should just be made where only the continent can show if it’s on someone’s territory, as just having people help take a neutral was the original intention and not free reins fights.


Well-Known Member
The same way abusing this nomad system that you are in conquest is allowed, you tried using a loophole now you are all crying, grow up or actually place.
So if people locked to ascalon showed up to a garaman netrual would you just say mkay yea thats chillin no worries like what? the only suggestion was dont let people not locked to ascalon to not being able to show stop clowning yourself also attackers being able to call reins? since when was that a feature lol


Well-Known Member
last time i checked, he bugged crypt about it, as did I, asking how it was possible to fix, this being said, he said he had fixed it.
I haven't complained about this to an admin or Cryptite at all. My point still stands. If you're talking about the neutral fight on Ascalon to stop a town from taking more land and you locked to another continent showed to abuse the bug, that's a different scenario.
So if people locked to ascalon showed up to a garaman netrual would you just say mkay yea thats chillin no worries like what? the only suggestion was dont let people not locked to ascalon to not being able to show stop clowning yourself
A neutral is different than a nomad place. It tells you in the place people may come and stop it. Whether it is working as intended or not, you all still used/abused it before we did, and now you make a complaint about the feature after it's been used against you. "Stop clowning yourself"


Well-Known Member
A neutral is different than a nomad place. It tells you in the place people may come and stop it. Whether it is working as intended or not, you all still used/abused it before we did, and now you make a complaint about the feature after it's been used against you. "Stop clowning yourself"
Were complaining about the fact that its being used that the attackers are using it to bring people from 3 different continents to fight our alliance if only cov warped i wouldn't care but the fact that kalros garama and ascalon all showed is my main issue


Well-Known Member
nomads shouldn't be allowed to take tiles from other alliances of course since thats so easily exploited but you shouldn't be able to use that nomad fight as a reins