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Implemented Only people locked to a continent can go to nomad fights

So if people locked to ascalon showed up to a garaman netrual would you just say mkay yea thats chillin no worries like what? the only suggestion was dont let people not locked to ascalon to not being able to show stop clowning yourself also attackers being able to call reins? since when was that a feature lol
A neutral I would be pissed, but your talking about nomad fights here
nomads shouldn't be allowed to take tiles from other alliances of course since thats so easily exploited but you shouldn't be able to use that nomad fight as a reins
I agree but only in the case that nomads can't do this, I and everyone here just finds it hilarious and ironic that you are using one loophole and complaining about the other, so before you say "stop clowning yourself" to me think about it idiota, honestly you guys are all good with these loopholes until they are used against you, Diego helped prove that point!
A neutral I would be pissed, but your talking about nomad fights here

I agree but only in the case that nomads can't do this, I and everyone here just finds it hilarious and ironic that you are using one loophole and complaining about the other, so before you say "stop clowning yourself" to me think about it idiota, honestly you guys are all good with these loopholes until they are used against you, Diego helped prove that point!
The point i raised is me just saying attackers shouldn't be able to call reins because someone without a town did a funny when ever we used a nomad fight we only brought people from asclaon when you did you brought kalros and garama and cov thats the main reason this is being fought so hard lmao for someone that complained about garama mc you really think its balanced for people on garama to fight on other continents O_O
The point i raised is me just saying attackers shouldn't be able to call reins because someone without a town did a funny when ever we used a nomad fight we only brought people from asclaon when you did you brought kalros and garama and cov thats the main reason this is being fought so hard lmao for someone that complained about garama mc you really think its balanced for people on garama to fight on other continents O_O
No, but I also don't think it's balanced for a strategy where you can't lose strength to be used to fight conquest, fight fire with fire pendejo
Nomad placements (coming from anyone) are a stupid backwards way of doing conquest. Nomad placements should only be stoppable by people on that continent and people from the other two should hold no power in their outcome. Whether or not these people should be forced to lock to their continent is another story, however depending on how these things get abused this could be necessary. Generally speaking though, this is complete nonsense just to keep people on other continents while still intervening in conquest somewhere they're not supposed to be. Quit making nomad fights beachheads for gods sake.
No, but I also don't think it's balanced for a strategy where you can't lose strength to be used to fight conquest, fight fire with fire pendejo
Thats why i said remove it or only let people on the continent go? why are you defending nomad conquests rn if you dont like it lol...
Thats why i said remove it or only let people on the continent go? why are you defending nomad conquests rn if you dont like it lol...
"fight fire with fire" that's why if your gonna abuse a weird thing that honestly shouldn't exist, so am I, so are we.
Nomad placements (coming from anyone) are a stupid backwards way of doing conquest. Nomad placements should only be stoppable by people on that continent and people from the other two should hold no power in their outcome. Whether or not these people should be forced to lock to their continent is another story, however depending on how these things get abused this could be necessary. Generally speaking though, this is complete nonsense just to keep people on other continents while still intervening in conquest somewhere they're not supposed to be. Quit making nomad fights beachheads for gods sake.
I just don't think nomads should be able to place on towns territories, just neutrals only makes sense to prevent all this
I just don't think nomads should be able to place on towns territories, just neutrals only makes sense to prevent all this
Something needs to be done against it. I think starting with less restriction would be better, however with the new Intro stuff/camps this won't even matter.
"fight fire with fire" that's why if your gonna abuse a weird thing that honestly shouldn't exist, so am I, so are we.
so if your only point is "weLl yoU dId It LOL!" Then why are you trying to make a argument you should have just said it from the start lmao
The same way abusing this nomad system that you are in conquest is allowed, you tried using a loophole now you are all crying, grow up or actually place.
what? we won both fights why would we be crying lol. also you guys are the ones that nomad placed on us... dont tell us to "grow up or actually place"... tell froggy.
"fight fire with fire" that's why if your gonna abuse a weird thing that honestly shouldn't exist, so am I, so are we.
2 wrongs doesn't make a right. Admit that it's a retarded feature of the server that is outdated and shouldn't be a thing anymore. Remove the feature where anyone from any continent can show up to a nomad place on a TOWN TERRITORY. I still believe anyone can show up to NEUTRALS, because that probably means they're genuine new players who want to make a town, and might need help understanding the mechanics of making a town, rather than a pawn from one side or the other.
2 wrongs doesn't make a right. Admit that it's a retarded feature of the server that is outdated and shouldn't be a thing anymore. Remove the feature where anyone from any continent can show up to a nomad place on a TOWN TERRITORY. I still believe anyone can show up to NEUTRALS, because that probably means they're genuine new players who want to make a town, and might need help understanding the mechanics of making a town, rather than a pawn from one side or the other.
I have admitted that all this is stupid long ago, and please don't cuss jesus.
Anyhows the ability to place on towns as nomad is all that needs to be disabled lmao.
I have admitted that all this is stupid long ago, and please don't cuss jesus.
Anyhows the ability to place on towns as nomad is all that needs to be disabled lmao.
Agreed with lurnn here, nomads dont really read or understand "they might try and fight back." Just remove the whole feature to prevent another forum post later.
-1 You dont lose strength and there downside of placing other then losing mats. Plus defenders have a advantage anyways with being able to warp. While people helping the nomads need to walk. Also nomads are gonna place on it anyways cause they wont read. Might aswell keep it how it is
Territory is either neutralized and a town is right next to you. Literally anyone can show to the fight, you can’t go to conquest fights on ascalon if ur on garama for a reason. Getting back to the territory can sometimes be quicker for attackers depending on the location so not rly a disadvantage. Nomads can /home to get back. This suggestion is to prevent the abuse of this feature cause it’s dumb, no one would be mad if only the same continent could show. Other continents seem unnecessary unless they are actually helpless, and then u can just make it so other continents can’t show if it’s some1s territory.