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Petition to REMOVE leaver debuff

To remove the Leaver debuff?

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Active Member
I had enough of where I crash and get a leaver debuff unable to join back into the game to fight along side my allies and have missed now a 4v4 vota and possable a 5v5 gultch T^T. I saw just the other day me and madam was having a vota against two others and one of them just up and left Started with a P but said I quit and leaves. Next Vota he walks right in which was less then 15 as if not effected by leaver debuff but It always tags me with it everytime I have an IOE exception crash or various other BS kick from server when trying to play vota...Even league allows you to rejoin a game in progress if it you crashed or leaved and does not apply the debuff aslong as you rejoin and not just sit there and leave before game ends or leave and not rejoin -.-


Active Member
I agree. I understand why it was implemented, but it can be very annoying and hurts more than it helps.


Staff member
Perhaps there's a better way to handle this. I think what we'll try is the following logic:
  • If you DC or whatever from a BG, you have the debuff for x minutes.
  • If you requeue for a battleground, you are effectively immediately placed last in the queue.
  • This means, if you're the only one in the queue, you'll probably get back in with a delay, but if anybody else without a debuff queues, they'll get in before you.


Active Member
That still is annoying. It still punishing people who are effectivly playing the game just unable to operate fully. A single crash should not prevent in anyway your ablity to play. The case is still yes we get back into queue but the leaver debuff does nothing to prevent the behaviour of players leaving its known that people will leave even if they know they get leaver debuff. It has no weight to it. And its attacknig those who Dc as if they are leaving and when they log back in after the crash which in my case happens only really once when i start get into it and can play perfectly fine after. Its harming more then helping I get into queue fully deterimed to play. It crashes I cuss while my mc reloads i get back into game to play and cuss even more because I can't join. And with the system you purpose above is that hey i get back in and people are already in have taken my spot or will no matter what take my spot just because Thats litterly the only reason is "Just because" Its harming more then helping. If you want to Prevent Leavers Prevent them outright by removing their ability to /leave or dc or what not then the problem will be fixed. Work on that source not harming the players who can't help it.


Staff member
Did you find it fun constantly fighting 2v1 or other lopsided matches because people left intentionally?

The point of this debuff is to attempt to make it so that games are played by players for its full duration. This has to be achieved, in the end, by replacing a player that cannot stay in a game with one that can play the entire time given there are players waiting to do so.

I know the disconnects are frustrating for you, Dwemer, but how do you think your teammate feels when they get into a VotA with you and know they're gonna lose because you're going to disconnect several times throughout the match.

Doing nothing about it isn't an option, and it is impossible to prevent a player from disconnecting. If you have a better idea, I'm all ears.


Active Member
how do you think your teammate feels when they get into a VotA with you and know they're gonna lose because you're going to disconnect several times throughout the match.
They'd feel a lot better about it if he could get back into the game, instead of being unable to play for 15 minutes which not only cancels the current match being played, but stops him getting into any more games.


Active Member
Or we could just get rid of battlegrounds. Problem solved ;)

Nah but for real, if there is a way for the server to tell when someone does /leave they could get the debuff. That way if someone does disconnect it won't give it to them. If you want to avoid people abusing it, find a way for the server to detect if someone does intentionally leave. Sorry but it could be work for crypt. :p


Active Member
The debuff is still effective if your connection is not reliable enough to finish a match. Whether you leave intentionally or not, it leaves a team handicapped and hoping someone else will join. I do feel like you should be able to rejoin if you were disconnected but I get just as frustrated when I keep losing teammates because their connection dies. It's unfortunate but a point to consider.

Players using /leave or the disconnect button should suffer the bigger penalty but if we're able to implement something that can track timeouts then I propose it should penalize after two or more. Whether intentional or not, it's detrimental to the flow of games. There have been plenty of times I've just had to sit out because my connection would not cooperate.

Gulch is a lot more applicable for rejoins because of match length, but VotA is so fast paced that even a minute or two of imbalanced teams could mean the game. It's a decision of whether or not people should be penalized for consistent leaves/disconnects though. If I disconnect from 4 out of 5 matches in 30 minutes (this time frame considering I wasn't penalized) then why would anyone want me in the queue until my connection stabilizes? Alternatives to the current debuff are limited, at best.

tl;dr Pretty much what Crypt said.


Active Member
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure most people who disconnect during matches don't disconnect more than 2-3 times at most, not enough to warrant barring them from matches altogether on account of their unreliable connection. Of course there will be exceptions to that, but for the most part people just disconnect once or twice and want to get back into their game so their team doesn't suffer for it.

I'd like to hear Crypt's take on what X said, about possibly distinguishing between connection problems and intentional match leaving.


Active Member
I'm not sure if it's possible to detect if someone used the 'x' button to close their launcher rather than use /leave or the 'disconnect' button. That would render the alternative into a method for abuse and never being penalized for leaving.

Additionally, people that d/c consistently aren't barred from matches altogether. They're barred for fifteen minutes, effectively penalizing them for leaving or allowing time for a connection to stabilize. As stated before, no one wants to get into the game with someone who is consistently disconnecting. It's not a mark on the person, it's just a circumstantial issue. My ISP is garbage so I wouldn't expect people to play with me if I can't stay connected at that moment.


2015-04-11_21.23.39.png This is why we should have a leaver penalty, for people who make conscious decisions to abandon their team.


Active Member
.....and generally cannot come back after 15 minutes anyway? If I, and a significant portion of people who play battlegrounds, leave, you can generally infer that I am only leaving because I have to and I won't be back after 15 minutes anyway.
I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise to my team for leaving that Gulch match. I understand how hard on you it must have been, already being down one player. I made an effort to take down the second red tower as fast as I could before leaving in an attempt to leave you with the upper hand, but I am sorry if it still seemed abrupt and rude of me. I assure you, I was under a lot of stress to go do something important in the real world, and I sympathise with you completely how difficult those last few minutes of the match must have been.
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Active Member
Real life > Loka. This coming from someone who's spent years of his life on this server and at times been utterly consumed by it.

Lea's conscious choice to leave that game because of a problem in real life was just as much her fault as Targ's buggy ISP is his fault.

That is to say, not at all.

And she's hardly the type of person who'd abandon a sinking ship like that. I should know, I've been that sinking ship before.


Active Member
The leaver penalty should be in place for cases such as this. Yes real life dilemmas come up, take care of them before the match. Honestly I get less people leaving games in 30-45 league of legends games than in vota. Not to mention that it's easier to win down a man in league than in vota....


perhaps if there is a chance you'll be unable to finish a game as long as gulch, you should not queue for it.