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No Plans to Implement Ping limit for Ranked PvP Duels.


New Member
I feel as there should be a ping limit on ranked like 130ms or less, laggers is a large issue and people constantly complain about laggers in ranked or in general but I am speaking mainly about ranked because this just isn't even fair to some people. Though you can beat laggers through different playstyles this still doesn't stop them sometimes and I know might sound stupid posting this but my friend and people generally around me talk about laggers in ranked so


Well-Known Member
" 😢 waah waah im so bad please ban half the player base from playing so i can still be bad and suck anyways waah waah 😢 "

lol u are dumb u dumb idiot thats not a solution u dumb guy


Well-Known Member
" 😢 waah waah im so bad please ban half the player base from playing so i can still be bad and suck anyways waah waah 😢 "

lol u are dumb u dumb idiot thats not a solution u dumb guy
and what great feedback to add to the mix-

his post is entirely reasonable, there obviously is an issue with high ping players and duels causing a bit of an imbalance or rather just a disrusption to the norm, his solution obviously wasn't the best but no reason to trash it so childlishy, respond adequately with a better solution for example like Cryptite and what they aim to implement


Active Member
and what great feedback to add to the mix-

his post is entirely reasonable, there obviously is an issue with high ping players and duels causing a bit of an imbalance or rather just a disrusption to the norm, his solution obviously wasn't the best but no reason to trash it so childlishy, respond adequately with a better solution for example like Cryptite and what they aim to implement
" 😢 waah waah im so bad please ban half the player base from playing so i can still be bad and suck anyways waah waah 😢 "

lol u are dumb u dumb idiot thats not a solution u dumb guy


Well-Known Member
and what great feedback to add to the mix
his post is dumb and not worth "great feedback"

his post is entirely reasonable
no it isnt. its post #938384 of the same "i just died to a high ping player, please ban them". theres nothing reasonable about asking for players above 130 ms (IE the majority of players outside of NA and Western Europe) to be banned from playing ranked because this guy is bad at the game.

there obviously is an issue with high ping players and duels causing a bit of an imbalance or rather just a disrusption to the norm
is there? what norm has been disrupted? theres been alot of laggy people playing the game for quite a while, certainly for however long this guy has been on the server. i get that its annoying, but im not gonna take a dumb post seriously. am i supposed to drop a forum post every time some dude in asia dunks on me? because its what these guys do

respond adequately with a better solution for example like Cryptite and what they aim to implement
great work from cryptite, but maybe i would have taken the post seriously if it was a serious post and not, again, post #85874 of "died to laggy player, exterminate all players outside of North America".

i know you logged into forums today wanting to dunk on all the little idiots and show us all how clever you are, but i wont allow it. the post was unserious and whiny, so i responded accordingly. i hope reading this has made you see the massive mistake you just made, and i hope to see an apology under this post in the next 24 hours.

best regards, mimo4


I feel as there should be a ping limit on ranked like 130ms or less, laggers is a large issue and people constantly complain about laggers in ranked or in general but I am speaking mainly about ranked because this just isn't even fair to some people. Though you can beat laggers through different playstyles this still doesn't stop them sometimes and I know might sound stupid posting this but my friend and people generally around me talk about laggers in ranked so
you can just try to get better?


New Member
What I'm trying to get at here is that some players be lagging mid duel and it's honestly crazy, some people can be 300ms playing like a 10ms w no kb
I don't want to remove anyone and they can still duel just not in ranked.


New Member
" 😢 waah waah im so bad please ban half the player base from playing so i can still be bad and suck anyways waah waah 😢 "

lol u are dumb u dumb idiot thats not a solution u dumb guy
I'm not a bad player, I just would like some type of limit on ping for ranked duels because it honestly sometimes isn't fair.


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
I'm not a bad player, I just would like some type of limit on ping for ranked duels because it honestly sometimes isn't fair.
But is it fair to essentially rankban a large majority of the players who don't have good internet from playing a game they enjoy just because it partially negatively affects another majorities way of play?


Active Member
I'm not a bad player, I just would like some type of limit on ping for ranked duels because it honestly sometimes isn't fair.
well deal with it you arent the only one who hates it, just learn how to play against laggers