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Suggestion Planet Minecraft feature


Recently, I've made some "friends" that are on my tail. They want to kill me, and I don't know why. I'm stuck just outside spawn, and it would be nice to see who's online. Most servers with a planet minecraft website has a list of players online. I think there should be a list like that for Loka... So I can come to spawn safely without any people on my tail. (No seriously, when I log on, I have ObtuseMoose chasing me around)


Active Member
Yeah crypt let's make a new feature for the server that would take time out of your day so duck can postpone his death. Duck just stop being an annoying little sausage and nobody will come to kill you.


Yeah crypt let's make a new feature for the server that would take time out of your day so duck can postpone his death. Duck just stop being an annoying little sausage and nobody will come to kill you.
I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. I guess I'm a long ways away from getting back into Argus. I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose everything I have by some camper who is right next to my spawn point. I'm terribly sorry.


Active Member
I think a couple of you need to conduct yourselves a little better. Calling someone an annoying little sausage is pushing it. He has every right to be concerned if someone is camping him as it is against the rules and considered harassment, no matter the player's personal qualities.

That being said, Duck, this is an instance that you should be expressing your concerns again in a private message. If you have a suggestion for a feature that's fine, just ensure it is within reason.


That being said, Duck, this is an instance that you should be expressing your concerns again in a private message. If you have a suggestion for a feature that's fine, just ensure it is within reason.
Yeah, I guess I'm still a long way from getting back into Argus :cool: I'm not even sure if I'll end up as co-founder... Nah, shouldn't bore people with my nonsense.