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Post-Fight Anger Management (Class 1)


Well-Known Member
After a rough day out on the battlefield, its easy to get overwhelmed by anger and upset, but you have to remember:
  1. It's not your fault you lost the fight, things happen and I'm sure you'll do better next time.
  2. It's okay to let out your frustrations, but make sure you're not upsetting or hurting other players.
  3. Maybe its time to take a step back, see what went wrong and how next time you'll win!
  4. Anger, and the resulting high blood pressure can lead to ill health effects, something you definitely don't want!
If that didn't help, maybe its time to:
  1. Take deep breaths, its time to calm down.
  2. Stand up and walk away from the computer.
  3. Punch your pillow, let your anger out, better there than an ill-aimed insult, you could get muted that way!
  4. Reevaluate your life decisions, maybe running a loka alliance isn't for you, maybe it isn't healthy.

This has been Class 1 of Post-Fight Anger Management, happy to help!
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