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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

April 9th, Day 329: Swamp Dewberry

Fruit Info: Rubus hispidus, is our fruit today. It should not be confused with the two dewberries above it as this one is ever so slightly different! The fruit is found in the central and eastern parts of North America where it lives mostly in moist ditches, swales, or woods. It is a useful food source for many animals, but most people don’t eat it because of its very bitter taste. It’s fruit can be used to make a dull blue dye though.

Fruit Tier: B

April 10th, Day 330: California Blackberry

Fruit Info: Also known as the California dewberry, today’s fruit is native to, that’s right you guessed it, California! But it’s pretty much native to all of the western side of North America. But that’s not all, we also have the answer to the most important question of all: can you eat if? And I’m here to confirm yes you can!*

Fruit Tier: B


*( I am not a doctor nor am I an expert on this fruit. Consumption of Rubus ursinus is the responsibility of the person who eats it and them alone. Pac holds no legal responsibility for your decision to eat a berry based on a thread on the forums of a Minecraft server.)
*( I am not a doctor nor am I an expert on this fruit. Consumption of Rubus ursinus is the responsibility of the person who eats it and them alone. Pac holds no legal responsibility for your decision to eat a berry based on a thread on the forums of a Minecraft server.)
just ate a california dewberry. currently in the hospital,,,,,, send hlep
April 11th, Day 331: Myrica Gale

Fruit Info: I can’t find very much info on the fruit itself so let’s get some interesting facts about the plant going. The plants leaves can be used to make a nice tea. It has also been used in a mixture called “gruit” that served as a flavoring for beer before hops became so popular. It’s also has a unique scent that makes it great for an insect repellent and a perfume.

Fruit Tier: A

April 12th, Day 332: Kaphal

Fruit Info: Also known as bayberry and box myrtle, today’s fruit is from a type of tree/shrub native to the hills of northern India. It’s berries are edible and are consumed frequently (at least enough to be mentioned in Wikipedia) by local people.

Fruit Tier: D

April 13th, Day 333: Myrica rubra

Fruit Info: So first off it is definitely a fruit. It’s plant grows leaves I can confirm that also. Oh yeah and the fruit grows too!!!! Wow!

Fruit Tier: S definitely too cool for school

April 14th, Day 334: Myrica pennsylvanica

Fruit Info: Today we have the northern bayberry, a resident of the east coast of Roth America from about the Carolinas up through some of Canada. Apparently the fruit is an important fruit for yellow-rumper warblers... hooray? They can also be boiled to get their oil to make some very nice bayberry candles.

Fruit Tier: D Any friend of Warblers is an enemy of mine

April 15th, Day 335: Myrica inodora

Fruit Info: Native to the coastal regions of the Gulf of Mexico, the odorless bayberry tends to grow in bogs, swamps, by ponds and other such locations. Other names include scentless bayberry, wax myrtle, odorless wax myrtl, waxberry, candleberry and waxtree.

Fruit Tier: D

April 16th, Day 336: Myrica faya

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit is native to the Micronesia region of the world, but it can also be found in continental Portugal (where it is unknow if it was native or naturalized). The fruit has been used as an astringent remedy for catarrh (the inflammation of a mucus membrane in the body).

Fruit Tier: C

April 17th, Day 337: Agraz

Fruit Info: Today we have the Andes Blueberry, Vaccinium meridionale. It is native to the mountains of Colombia and Venezuela. Like wild blueberries of North America, the cultivation of the Agraz is made to be extremely close to Wik conditions. They are raised with very few inputs from farmers, ensuring a very “natural” nature to them. They are often sold in markets and health food stores in the countries.

Fruit Tier: B

April 18th, Day 338: Grouseberry

Fruit Info: Today we have a very tiny kind of huckleberry. It is native to the western United States, such as the Rocky Mountains, where it provides food to may of the animals, especially mammals, in the region. It was consumed by some Native American groups but usually the small fruits are usually too difficult to gather.

Fruit Tier: E

April 18th, Day 338: Grouseberry

Fruit Info: Today we have a very tiny kind of huckleberry. It is native to the western United States, such as the Rocky Mountains, where it provides food to may of the animals, especially mammals, in the region. It was consumed by some Native American groups but usually the small fruits are usually too difficult to gather.

Fruit Tier: E

View attachment 2602
I know this tastes FOUL
I know this tastes FOUL
I feel like there’s a story here that I want the answer to.

April 19th, Day 339: New Jersey Blueberry

Fruit Info: Vaccinium caesariense, the New Jersey Blueberry is a fruit named wonderfully on point. It is native to the east coast of the United States from Florida up to New Hampshire. But in particular it is extremely prominent in the New Jersey area. It was also used once upon a time to make dyes and medicine

Fruit Tier: B

April 21st, Day 341: Lingonberry

Fruit Info: With a naturally very tart flavor, the partridgeberry usually must be sweetened before being served, typically as a jam. It is also served as a juice, a syrup, a smoothie, or sometimes even a gravy to go along with reindeer steaks. That last way to prepare them is most common in Northern Europe, specifically the Nordic countries. That being said, the fruit is not limited to just those countries, it is found natively all across the northern hemisphere, from North America to Europe to Asia.

Fruit Info: B
