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Posting a different fruit every day until we obtain a Crypt head

April 24th, Day 1287: Portable Sunset

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we’ll take a look back at PNF-404 again to get the rather large portable sunset. It is a native to the primordial thicket and to the RLHF pit. It had a weird resemblance to the Japanese persimmon.

Fruit Tier: S

April 25th, Day 1288: Juicy Gaggle

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we are back on the planet PNF-404 to talk about their fruit known as the juicy gaggle. This fruit can be found in the twilight river and tropical wilds, along with the serene shores and a couple other spots.

Fruit Tier: A

April 26th, Day 1267: Mock Bottom

Fruit Info: For today’s fruit of the day we turn once more time to PNF-404 and look at the mock bottom, the larger of the two varieties of mock bottom. This fruit can be found in the tropical wilds, the serene chores, and the primordial thicket.

Fruit Tier: A

April 27th, Day 1268: Dusk Pustules

Fruit Info Once agaik looking at the native fruits of PNF-404 for our fruit of the day, we have the dusk pustules. This fruit is actually q bunch of smaller fruits all growing together. It is native to the garden of hope, the distant tundra, the twilight river and more.

Fruit Tier: F

April 28th, Day 1267: Golden Sniffer

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the we have on of the remaining species of fruit on PNF-404, the golden sniffer. This fruit is pretty simple, it’s a golden variety of the tremendous sniffer. They weigh over 2x the regular tremendous sniffer.

Fruit Tier: B

April 29th, Day 1269: Citrus Lump

Fruit Info: Looking to PNF-404 once again we have the citrus lump. This fruit is extraordinarily common, being found in the garden of hope, the distant tundra, the twilight river, and many more locations.

Fruit Tier: C

April 30th, Day 1270: Allium cepa

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we’re returning to earth, to discuss the fruit of Allium cepa. One might refer to this fruit in casual conversation as the onion fruit, because it is the fruiting body of the same plant that grows the common onion. This fruit’s plant has been cultivated for so long that we don’t know what it’s wild ancestor was.

Fruit Tier: B

May 1st, Day 1271 Allium stellatum

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the fruit of the prairie onion. This fruit grows on top of the stalks of a species of a wild onion that is native to North America.

Fruit Tier: C

May 2nd, Day 1272: Allium schoenoprasum

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have the fruit of yet another plant that is well known for being in a way that’s not its fruit. Today is the fruit of the chives. This fruit has quite the range, as it is native to temperate regions of North America, Europe, and Asia.

Fruit Tier: B

May 3rd, Day 1273: Allium sativum

Fruit Info: For our fruit of the day today we have the cultivated garlic’s fruit. This fruit is a native of South Asia and Central Asia. This fruit is not often consumed and plays second fiddle to the clove grown in the plant that we all know as garlic.

Fruit Tier: B
May 4th, Day 1274: Euryale ferox

Fruit Info: Today for our fruit of the day we have a somewhat unusual fruit. This fruit belongs to the prickly water lily. This fruit can be found native to Southern and Eastern Asia. The edible seeds it produces are called fox nuts.

Fruit Tier: A

May 6th, Day 1276: Chaenomeles cathayensis

Fruit Info: Today’s fruit of the day is a member of the rose family, and a close relative of the common pear that you or I May find at the store. This fruit is a native of China, Bhutan, and Myanmar. Pictures below is a not-yet ripe specimen.

Fruit Tier: B
