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Well-Known Member
mopb3 said:
Zor95 said:
Admins (not Sentries) have the bracelet too.
What? No thats not true at all, you need to have a good sit down and talk with Gall.

That's what Asy told me o:

Of course our version is a bit more limited.


Well-Known Member
The bracelet that Asymp wears has a direct link to the Artifact which when activated channels power through the bracelet to Asymp. This allows him to teleport around and all that other junk. If the connection is severed by the bracelet's destruction or the artifact's (if that's even possible) then he loses his powers. The connection is also severed when inside cubes of solid obsidian which is how he was trapped above spawn.

To say that we admins don't require this bracelet is to say that we are more powerful than Asymp. Either we ourselves are linked to the artifact or we're just that powerful. This doesn't make sense because our ranks and powers are delegated by Asymp himself.


Well-Known Member
Zor95 said:
To say that we admins don't require this bracelet is to say that we are more powerful than Asymp. Either we ourselves are linked to the artifact or we're just that powerful. This doesn't make sense because our ranks and powers are delegated by Asymp himself.
Thats the whole thing, we were found by Asy in the mountain buried for our past transgressions and in him freeing us we were bound to his service as once we were bound to the Artifact.

Idk, maybe you new lot got a friendship bracelet of power or something but that's the story for the original Guardians.


I always assumed Drix was just a clone of Preksak, and that Prek kept him as sort of a son. I don't really know, I'm just using sci-fi cliches.

Prek's a scientist with a god-complex, and the "followers" he had were desperate people trapped on the Artifact.

Also he blew up the Old World Knife. Set it ablaze and burned the thing down.