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Suggestion Pro-Raiding rule.


Well-Known Member
Can't use em in combat, in a town, or in a soul link fight. That's all the restrictions there have ever been.
I know those are the intended purposes… mbut the last time I used one it was way more restrictive than that. Once I get my mouse I can test it ig…


Well-Known Member
I know those are the intended purposes… mbut the last time I used one it was way more restrictive than that. Once I get my mouse I can test it ig…
There was a time where some were glitched and just flatout didn't work for a couple months some year(s?) ago


Staff member
I know those are the intended purposes… mbut the last time I used one it was way more restrictive than that. Once I get my mouse I can test it ig…

These restrictions have not changed (minus adding soul link mutator one) since February of 2015 when the recall stone came out.


Well-Known Member
+1 honestly.

If town owners can't keep people from coming in, they should have their goodies raided. Recall Stones should work in all towns.


Well-Known Member
+1 because imagine spending hours to find a way into a town and seeing the enderchests have trapdoors on them


Well-Known Member
Everybody gangsta until the guy you trapped in your town who has all your stuff blinks out with a recall stone
as a man you need to take full accountability, if you got raided it wasn’t cause of “luck” somewhere in your building YOU made an error that caused your items to be accesible in the first place

yes skill issue


Well-Known Member
as a man you need to take full accountability, if you got raided it wasn’t cause of “luck” somewhere in your building YOU made an error that caused your items to be accesible in the first place

yes skill issue
Or your town members know how to lock doors (they don’t)


Well-Known Member
At current standing, if you want to raid, your only luck is bullying new players who have no walls or protection, as once they do have even a 4-block high wall, you have no way of raiding.
I'm not sure this suggestion would change the raiding trend. New towns/players would still be the easiest targets by far and would become easier to raid. Older players would still use pearl gates and live in bunkers, which prevents this change from having an effect.
as a man you need to take full accountability, if you got raided it wasn’t cause of “luck” somewhere in your building YOU made an error that caused your items to be accesible in the first place

yes skill issue
I'm not crazy about punishing players so much for wanting to have accessible buildings or making entering the server more difficult for new players as far as raiding is concerned.

On a separate note, I agree that recall stones could be reconsidered regarding their rarity and utility.
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Well-Known Member
I'm not crazy about punishing players so much for wanting to have accessible buildings or make entering the server more difficult for new players as far as raiding in concerned.
That's more of a comment for if I was having an opinion on rules or features that make raiding harder, I'm just saying it doesn't make much sense for recall stones to not be able to be used in another town
On a separate note, I agree that recall stones as an item could be reconsidered as far as their rarity and utility.
what I'm saying.


Active Member
Everybody gangsta until the guy you trapped in your town who has all your stuff blinks out with a recall stone
I mean if you have someone trapped I feel like it should be on the town owner to keep watch over that person and make sure they don't recall stone out, recall stones have a pretty long warm-up. I honestly don't see anyone using a recall stone in a town after they've been trapped bc it would just not be realistic. The only scenario this would happen is if a raider was trapped without the owners awarence which if that's the case they should still get the free exit imo, BUT I would say this gets iffy if the raider falls into a trap that was intentionally made by the town owner. Maybe zones where recall stones aren't allowed in a town but this probably wouldn't really work either bc then people could just zone their storage etc.


Active Member
in what situations do people use recall stones anyway

I supposed people use them when going exploring really far in another continent to get back and stuff
I could see it useful for KD warriors to use them to refill without doing /kill and refilling

I think they need more luv :recallstone:
Tbh a while back I bought ALOT of recall stones from Lurnn on the market and keep them in my echest, I use them often, one of the purposes is like you said for KD but I also use mine to get back from RI when I'm feeling particularly lazy, they also come in handy when I accidentally go to the main Zyre isle not Cove after forgetting to select it and in extreme situations where I'm being ganked particularly in RI I'll just recall stone out. But overall still I agree they deserve more love they are useful af but could be MORE useful.