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Staff member
Lazuli73 said:
If lokan RPs are always this agressive I mine as we'll not get involved and do something productive instead of go insane and loose resources.

To be fair, this is one of the first major player-run RP events. As such, some of the rules and protections usually granted to 'official' RP events aren't in place. There's a degree of grit here that, with our server, will most likely always be there. You should always assume you'll be attacked whenever there's a gathering of players outside of spawn. To place yourself near people you know will cause problems and not be properly prepared is unfortunately inviting disaster.


Lazuli73 said:
A lokan RP should be fun for everyone, not just the maxed out glory hogs who pushed there way to victory.
So far, no RP has been intended for PVPers. PVPers like RP too, and a lot of our characters reflect PVP very strongly. Why should we be forced to alter our RP characters to make you happy? In general, Loka is accepting of all play types, that's what makes it interesting. Perhaps some more RP where pvp is intended could remedy this.

Also, it's worth noting that there have been 6 peices so far. 3 of them were peaceful, 3 of them had bloodshed. It's sort of hard to complain when for one of the first player made rp events it splits up perfectly even.


New Member
I have recently recieved a very disturbing letter.

Dear Nigga:

It is my great pleasure to inform you that we have located another piece of yours. This shit is crazy. Within a matter of days it will be ours, and we will destroy it. We often discuss why you are missed on Loka, but the outlaws have a different story to share, one that all of Loka will soon hear.

Fuck bitches, get money


I think we all know who has written this, but I will not point any fingers yet.

Adventurer, it seems that there could be an 8th piece that I was missing. I will do my best to locate it but if things go wrong, I will need to bother you again to aid Loka and me. Be ready.


andrekeroxd said:
I have recently recieved a very disturbing letter.

Dear Nigga:

It is my great pleasure to inform you that we have located another piece of yours. This shit is crazy. Within a matter of days it will be ours, and we will destroy it. We often discuss why you are missed on Loka, but the outlaws have a different story to share, one that all of Loka will soon hear.

Fuck bitches, get money


I think we all know who has written this, but I will not point any fingers yet.

Adventurer, it seems that there could be an 8th piece that I was missing. I will do my best to locate it but if things go wrong, I will need to bother you again to aid Loka and me. Be ready.
Who would do such a thing?


Staff member
Psychedelic98 said:
So far, no RP has been intended for PVPers.

I wouldn't say the RP of yore has been for non-PVPers. The reason we granted protection wasn't just so pvpers could be stopped, it was because we'd put so much effort into the events that we wanted to be sure that everyone had a chance to see it. In some of our first events, where protection wasn't on, some players would murder everyone else and literally ruin the entire experience for them. This is what I don't like. Since there is a level of competition involved in this storyline (intended or not), pvp is an obvious side-effect.

It also just so happens that many of our RP events have been world ending, making cooperation 'part of the gig'. experience, preventing them from being able to witness or participate in the events in some way.

As for this one, I only made note that it was curious the amount of bloodshed taking place during this storyline, not that I rejected it. If andre didn't want any pvp to take place, he'd've asked for protections to be put in place.


New Member
Hint 7.-
It's time to release what would hopefully be the last missing piece of myself. Sorrounded by Ice and Soul Sand I see this fragment of mine, somewhere in an Icy plain sorrounded by Ice spikes. The neighing of horses is heard nearby.

I have been left a hint however.

"Travel twice towards the Sunrise,

what you would travel to the South"

Remember the no-killing rule applies until the end of this challenge. I recommend you take Blast Protection armour and Swiftness potions. Keep your wits about you and DO NOT RUSH headfirst into the challenge, but analyze your sorroundings.


New Member
Brave adventurers, I address you and bid you aid me for the last time.

As you know, the last hint was given out earlier. Not half a day after, Thieflord304 and Lazuli73 found the dungeon it was being held at, yet, when they descended into it, they found a note from someone, saying that they had taken and hidden the piece. I am almost sure that this person is connected to the Outlaw faction.

The Outlaw faction has not been heard of as a group for a while, but I 'm working on finding their location. I will probably have it in a few hours today. In regards to the other letter, I believe that there is also, an 8th piece inside the last dungeon, which you must get back. Seeing as it's their area, the no-PVP rule does NOT apply.

The last thing Zor95 said to me was that he was going to to look for a place to get rid of the pieces that his group had. I do not know if this is true, or if they are trying to lure me towards a trap, but be sure that they will be expecting visits so you should be prepared. I also believe that you should join forces with your friends so that you also have strenght in numbers.

The Outlaws are certainly resourceful enough, do not underestimate them. Good luck.


New Member
Final hint.-

The last thing that Zor95 told me, was that he would "literally end this" and that he needed to "chuck your asian body into the void". This makes me think that he and the other outlaws are hiding at one of the Strongholds with a portal to the end.
I have found them.

You must go to the location of the second challenge (800; 400). Atop the mountain you will find an obisidian base. It is from there that you will be able to see the entry of the stronghold. But be wary, for only at night can will the light guide you to it.

I also hear a voice that calls for help from within this dungeon. Please do your best to aid him.

Good luck!