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Implemented PTS: Feedback


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow Lokans! Figured we should all have a place to discuss our opinions on the latest change to the Public Testing Server: Combustion!

Just click the link to familiarize yourself and check it out by logging on to Loka and typing "/pts" in chat to experience it for yourself.

My current opinions on this change:
  1. Happens WAY too often. Within 5 seconds of a three person group hitting the core, 2-4 Players and/or endermites would become a walking time bomb.
  2. The radius is so large that it hit people outside the t-gen that were attempting to run away from walking bomb
  3. In larger player fights, it will become nearly impossible to see which endermite is the bomb based on the particle
  4. The damage is way too much to others, especially with the current radius
There are a few other issues that I believe exist but honestly I think we need to get a semi-large fight on the PTS to see how it feels in the core now with people randomly becoming a bomb. Regardless, the rate at which people become a bomb definitely needs to be lowered a lot. This change should probably be in effect before we test even more. I do not believe this core mechanic will be ready by next month with proper testing unless the community works together with Crypt and Magpie everyday and the changes consistently come to fine tune this new mechanic.

But please, everyone who has felt the effects of combustion on PTS, leave your own feedback and opinions on this new mechanic. Including whether or not you think it should exist in the first place since I've already heard controversy over this change, but please play with it as much as possible and test with friends. Both attacking and defending with this new mechanic and testing the damage/radius and all the ways it could become a problem so we DON'T have this become an issue during actual conquest.


Well-Known Member
I definitely agree that we need to organize a fight with more than a few players to actually be able to see how this plays out. I only had the one interaction with it and there was only two other people there (one being Pear). In addition to that, yeah, the damage seemed to be a lot to me. I believe I was at least 5-7 blocks away from Pear when (he exploded?) (he was inside the core room and I was just outside the doors to the TGen) and I ended up with 3 hearts left (though in all fairness I can't be certain what my health was before that).

I definitely like the concept though, since it adds a new flavor to attacking a TGen and could give defenders a nice opportunity to do something, since currently most fights seem to be over once players breach the TGen.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it adds some good fun with the small group we had but again with everything else that happens during conquest fights, more people need to actually stage some fights in the PTS so we can get a better opinion.

This was a bug, it wasn't setting a cooldown at all, basically.

Once this is fixed it'll definitely be easier to get a better opinion because man was that a loud VC when EVERYONE was a bomb and we had to run away from each other in a fruitless attempt to survive. Good fun memes at least ;)