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PvP Updates Thread


Active Member
PvP Lobby
  • There is now a PvP Lobby available, accessible on the /pvp menu. This lobby allows you to edit individual inventories for Battlegrounds, Arenas, and Potion PvP.
  • Players may now ensure their kits are arranged how they want ahead of time rather than having to fight the countdown prior to a match.


Staff member
PvP Lobby
  • There is now a PvP Lobby available, accessible on the /pvp menu. This lobby allows you to edit individual inventories for Battlegrounds, Arenas, and Potion PvP.
  • Players may now ensure their kits are arranged how they want ahead of time rather than having to fight the countdown prior to a match.

Should also note that:
  • Inventory preferences should really actually work. No, really. I think we got it this time guys.


Staff member
  • Deserter Debuff has been removed for the time being
  • Ancient Gulch's map restored and tower explosions lessened (untested, but lemme know how it goes) so as to do less environmental damage.
  • Level bug takes some more work to fix; may be able to tackle it this weekend.


Staff member
  • /duel now works again in the Hub. Not yet in Loka though.
    • Only for barebones at the moment. Choosing between barebones/pot/2v2/etc coming soon.
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Staff member
  • Took another stab at trying to fix the invisibility bug. Please do extensive testing if you can. The easiest way to do this would to be make use of /duel on the hub. This will get you immediate queues. For even more speed, simply confirm that both players can see each other, then /leave and /duel again. Rinse and repeat.


Staff member
Also, if you do encounter the invis bug again, please report at what time it happened so I can look at the logs


Staff member
Ancient Gulch
  • The Grass no longer switches on you when you're jumping in it.
  • Grass patches have been filled out a bit. They should no longer have small, single-block bits that can reveal you.
  • Tower Power Sources are no longer individual/separate. Damaging either of the power sources lowers the entire Tower's health pool until it is destroyed.
  • Fleet Footed should no longer break getting speed from lost golems


Staff member
  • Many Particle FX for abilities that have been missing since we updated to 1.8 are back, including:
    • Quake dirt FX
    • Lunge bleed FX
    • Rallying cry's speed zone FX
    • Iron Form FX
    • Frost Trap FX
    • and others I'm sure I'm forgetting.
  • This should mean many talents are now easier to identify without sounds.


Staff member
  • There should no longer be spawn protection (no build perms) around the destination point.
  • The destination point has also been lowered by 1 block to ensure no floating-above-water platforms
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Staff member
Vale of Conquest
  • Matchmaking for VoC has now been tremendously improved. There is no longer a strict 3 towns of 2 queued requirement to get the game going. So long as any 6 players are queued, a game can now begin. Here's a rundown on how the system now works:
    • If there are at least 2 members of your town are queued, you'll be guaranteed to get in with your town.
    • If you are the only one queued for your town, you will be automatically placed into one of three automatic teams (Nomads, Wanderers, and Slicers).
    • Real Wanderers and Nomads can now play and will be automatically sorted into the teams listed above.
    • Any teams that are created to ensure the match can begin are balanced to be the most equal in skill as possible.
    • If your town has too many queued, the first queued that can get in will get in. The rest will be given an option to wait for the game to balance out or, if they don't mind not being on the same team as their town, they can join anyway.
  • Balance requirements for VoC have been changed from before. Instead of the largest team being 2 players more than the smallest team, that is down to 1. TL;DR you can only have 1 more than the smallest team (2v2v3, 4v4v5, etc).


Staff member
Ancient Gulch
  • Took another pass at the minion AI. Golems and Minions should more fiercely attack each other.
  • As well, minions should attempt to go back to their nearest waypoint, rather than teleporting 40 blocks away. This should mean minion wave control is a little more predictable.


Staff member
Pot-PvP Proving Grounds
  • Is now available as the 3rd and 4th slots on the Proving Grounds tab.
  • Literally just Proving Grounds, but with Pots instead of Talents.
  • Enjoy!
  • Will be available on Loka after the next reboot. You can get to it in the hub now.


Active Member
I think there should be an ability to customize your inventory with all the different potions available and their different values. That way I could have drinkable regeneration extended potions instead of splash regen II, ect.


Staff member
  • Getting to Potion Proving Grounds should now work with /pvp from Loka, instead of only working in the Hub.
  • Maybe? Helped with some of the pot-pvp oddities. Needs further testing.