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Q: Which rules apply to town owners?


Well-Known Member
It has been said that a town owner can destroy anything within their own town though it is usually best to ask the builder first. What other rules do not apply to the owner of a town when they are inside their protection?
Well, there are a lot of issues going along with that:

1) Banned town members have their giant ugly floating mycellium platforms left behind, do I have the right to destroy it?

2) I have someone join my town and he builds structures in the wrong area, do I have the right to destroy it then?

3) Someone builds a cannon pointed at my wall but has the cannon pushed into my protected area via pistons, do I have the right to destroy it? (very elaborate)

4) Thieves build an elaborate labyrinth below my city to distract me, they fill those mines with TNT, and they light it while I am in it- is it griefing?

5) I find a very nice town I assume is abandoned and I claim it. For a week, I build nice structures everywhere and make it a lovely place. I get it cleared with admins who note that it hasn't been touched in a month, and give me the go-ahead. The owner of the town, who comes back from vacation the very next day, shouts "greif greif greif greif". Is it actually griefing? And if not, who owns the town then?

6) I declare war on a city with its gen down (naturally depleted of cookies), while the owner is bankrupt and cannot pay for the gen. I occupy the town. I slaughter the inhabitants. I put signs everywhere claiming it is mine. Is it truly mine, or do they really own it and cannot pay for the gen regardless so they are essentially caught in a war they cannot pay for, and our only demand is control of the town. If they meet our demands, do we own the town THEN?

(Disclaimer: The issues mentioned above only have a 30% chance of coming true, however, they are definitely not hypothetical and may be happening in the future. 30% is a lot when you think about it.)
KenuDragonfire said:
Well, there are a lot of issues going along with that:

1) Banned town members have their giant ugly floating mycellium platforms left behind, do I have the right to destroy it?

2) I have someone join my town and he builds structures in the wrong area, do I have the right to destroy it then?

True, this isn't simple. Pretty much a given you can take down a banned player's stuff. In the case of a player building in the wrong area, you should cooperate with them to take it down if you can.

KenuDragonfire said:
3) Someone builds a cannon pointed at my wall but has the cannon pushed into my protected area via pistons, do I have the right to destroy it? (very elaborate)


KenuDragonfire said:
4) Thieves build an elaborate labyrinth below my city to distract me, they fill those mines with TNT, and they light it while I am in it- is it griefing?
This is getting silly.

KenuDragonfire said:
5) I find a very nice town I assume is abandoned and I claim it. For a week, I build nice structures everywhere and make it a lovely place. I get it cleared with admins who note that it hasn't been touched in a month, and give me the go-ahead. The owner of the town, who comes back from vacation the very next day, shouts "greif greif greif greif". Is it actually griefing? And if not, who owns the town then?

If the generator isn't up and its abandoned, thats probably fine too.
KenuDragonfire said:
6) I declare war on a city with its gen down (naturally depleted of cookies), while the owner is bankrupt and cannot pay for the gen. I occupy the town. I slaughter the inhabitants. I put signs everywhere claiming it is mine. Is it truly mine, or do they really own it and cannot pay for the gen regardless so they are essentially caught in a war they cannot pay for, and our only demand is control of the town. If they meet our demands, do we own the town THEN?

Yeah, there have already been cases where towns transfer ownership, so this doesn't really fall under the same category.

As you can see, its on a case by case basis. But the main point is that owning a town doesn't give you cart-blanche to destroy whatever you want in that town just because you feel like it.
But... you do own the land and the people who agree to live in that land also agree (for the most part) to follow your leadership. Also most town owners pay for the generator themselves and if the owner does grief something for no apparent reason then the members can just leave and the town will die.

I don't see a problem with that.
KenuDragonfire said:
Well, there are a lot of issues going along with that:

1) Banned town members have their giant ugly floating mycellium platforms left behind, do I have the right to destroy it?

2) I have someone join my town and he builds structures in the wrong area, do I have the right to destroy it then?

3) Someone builds a cannon pointed at my wall but has the cannon pushed into my protected area via pistons, do I have the right to destroy it? (very elaborate)

4) Thieves build an elaborate labyrinth below my city to distract me, they fill those mines with TNT, and they light it while I am in it- is it griefing?

5) I find a very nice town I assume is abandoned and I claim it. For a week, I build nice structures everywhere and make it a lovely place. I get it cleared with admins who note that it hasn't been touched in a month, and give me the go-ahead. The owner of the town, who comes back from vacation the very next day, shouts "greif greif greif greif". Is it actually griefing? And if not, who owns the town then?

6) I declare war on a city with its gen down (naturally depleted of cookies), while the owner is bankrupt and cannot pay for the gen. I occupy the town. I slaughter the inhabitants. I put signs everywhere claiming it is mine. Is it truly mine, or do they really own it and cannot pay for the gen regardless so they are essentially caught in a war they cannot pay for, and our only demand is control of the town. If they meet our demands, do we own the town THEN?

(Disclaimer: The issues mentioned above only have a 30% chance of coming true, however, they are definitely not hypothetical and may be happening in the future. 30% is a lot when you think about it.)
I got a good laugh out of this. #4 did it for me.