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Suggestion Ranked season rework


New Member


I come
with a proposal to change the ranking and rewards system for the current duel seasons. Currently, the seasons are structured as follows: the duel season starts and enjoys fairly good popularity, with many people playing, and the better players achieving high ranks. However, as the initial weeks of the duels come to an end, they become almost inactive, with very few people playing regularly. The only time you can find matches is on the days when ranks are lowered by one tier.

The peak activity happens towards the end of the season when everyone is competing for titles and aiming to achieve their desired ranks. In summary, the season is long, with moments of high activity, but for a significant portion of the season, it's essentially a dead period with little happening.

Therefore, I am proposing a change to the season system. The season would now last for one month (4 weeks), and every week, each player's position in the rankings would be recorded, and points would be assigned based on their position. These points would contribute to an overall score that would be calculated at the end of the month, and rewards would be given based on this score.

For example, a player who is at the top of the rankings after the first week would receive 100 points for their overall score, the second-place player would receive 98 points, and the third-place player would receive 96 points. This system would keep the duel season, which is four weeks long, continuously active, and people would strive to compete and achieve the highest positions daily.

What would happen to ranks after a week? All ranks below Emerald 3 would drop by one tier. However, to prevent a situation where a player who performs exceptionally well in the first week maintains a top 1 or top 3 position throughout the season, players with ranks above Emerald 3 would be deranked to Emerald 3 every week to ensure that the competition for the highest ranks occurs every week.

As for titles at the end of the season, they would be awarded based on the total points accumulated in the overall score, rather than the final rank achieved at the end of the season. This change would encourage players to participate throughout the season, not just during the first and last days.

In addition to increasing player activity in duels, this system would significantly reduce the issue of win trading, which the administration has difficulty dealing with without concrete evidence. This proposal would provide a solution to this problem.

I hope this clarifies the proposal for changing the duel season system. Feel free to join the discussion and share your own ideas.

haapi, Xarlaq and chat gpt (nie ogarniam w anglika sr)