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I believe the people in ranks should be revised, as there are people who would be of more use in higher ranks.
eg. Gall hasn't been on for over one and a half months, but is our only head admin. Perhaps we should promote one or two more people from admin up to head admin, and some semi-admins up to admins to take their place, and so on with slicers.


Staff member
Magpie was promoted to Old One. I'm not sure we'd be gaining much by promoting anyone as it doesn't seem like we've been having problems with our current folk. That really boils down to asy's decision though as far as promotions are concerned.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I feel it also comes down to if someone deserves a promotion as well as whether we need a new admin. Also don't want someone to be promoted for the sake of it and it is something that is often discussed between asymptonic and other admins, so don't worry about it.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I am aware gall is not very active at the moment but you forget spunkie is a very active head admin, and guardians have very similar powers to overseers.


Well-Known Member
Magpieman said:
I am aware gall is not very active at the moment but you forget spunkie is a very active head admin, and guardians have very similar powers to overseers.
This is true, and I see no reason the overseer rank should exist at all. I propose we merge Gall and Spunk back to Guardians and update the Guardians power to that of current Overseers. But frankly I bet no one will like that idea so a less radical one would be to give Guardians the power to active generators

And to line, Three; Me, Jim and Lolo


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I feel activating generators is not an issue atm, providing those with access to the command to activate are trained how to and allowed to activate portals we shouldn't have a problem. However we shall see how the new generators will work and if there is a constant need to set them up and more help is required to do so we will explore the above options you suggested.


Staff member
To be honest, I think generators need to activate automatically. My suggestion was a place on the generator that you'd put a sign that would indicate the name of your generator. After it's activated for the first time, the sign text could be changed to indicate information like it's current power state or something.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
There would be huge issues and problems if a generator could activate without an admin. Towns could end up being built next to an existing one, not only annoying the current town, but also preventing it expanding in size as towns would be able to have a max radius of 1080 (although i doubt any will get that big). They could also be built too near spawn creating permission problems, or at coords so far away from spawn it would cause the server to lag. I feel strongly we need human judgment as to whether a town can be set up in a certain place.


Staff member
I suppose that's true. Then again, simply checks like distance from spawn and proximity to other towns could also be checked. Fortunately, we're not founding so many towns that this is an issue at present.


Magpieman said:
There would be huge issues and problems if a generator could activate without an admin. Towns could end up being built next to an existing one, not only annoying the current town, but also preventing it expanding in size as towns would be able to have a max radius of 1080 (although i doubt any will get that big). They could also be built too near spawn creating permission problems, or at coords so far away from spawn it would cause the server to lag. I feel strongly we need human judgment as to whether a town can be set up in a certain place.

We could always set restrictions on how close you can start a town in the proximity of another.
Re: Ranks, there are a couple of subtle differences between guardian and overseer, but they aren't relevant for actually admining the server, so don't take it too seriously when one person is a guardian vs overseer. Its mostly a distinction of honor.

And you only ever rank up, not down. Gall is an overseer, but the fact that he doesn't play any more doesn't matter. He's not taking up a slot or anything. As we need more admins, we'll promote deserving people.


Well-Known Member
i think i could be late to this topic...

first of all, slim has been promoted to overseer. strange, because i never see him on... maybe thats cos im in a different time zone or something. but meh, cant change the decision.
second, i agree that guardians and overseers should be merged. I think that giving only overseers the power to activate generators isnt right. I think even sentries should be able to, just to make setting up towns easier. Out of city vaults could be set up with protection easily, preserving valuables against xrayers.
i wonder how having mop as overseer would go down, since hes been on this server for so long and benefited it so much without really doing much wrong. especially since his stupid smiting has gone down...

just my view on things atm


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Adder this is the wrong topic to post most of the things you have said, please post in the admin section.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
With regards to generators it is likely they will be able to be set up without the need of any kind of admin in the future, if asymptonic can code it in.


I reckon that Sentries being able to activate generators is a well-directed action, due to the fact that Sentries are significantly online more in relation to higher ranks.


Well-Known Member
thelineguy said:
I reckon that Sentries being able to activate generators is a well-directed action, due to the fact that Sentries are significantly online more in relation to higher ranks.
First step of course is having Guardians get that power :/


Well-Known Member
Magpieman said:
New gen will not require someone to set it up, so this should not be a problem
Wonderful, this should stop a lot of moaning from the people.