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No Plans to Implement Realistic Tree / Nature in respective areas.


Active Member
I think spruce, should grow in the mountains of ascalon.
Let's be realistic here, The Atlas Mountnains in Morocco, Algeria, are in africa, near the mediterranean.
And on the mounntain highlands it snows, and it's basically like a little "Switzerland" As it has spruce trees on the tops, cold weather and climate that would also exist in the alps in austria.

I imagine northern ascalon having a climate simular to the mediterranean and like the alps.
So why don't spruce trees not grow there?

Here are some examples

This is a town in morocco on the highlands of the atlas mountains in africa.
Notice the spruce trees and snowy climate.

I think it would be realistic if spruce trees grow in the mountains of ascalon is what i'm sayin.


Well-Known Member
This is a horrible idea that affects the top reason Kalros is good.

Perhaps your desire of spruce would be more easily obtained if you actually had good relations with the towns who own it.



Active Member
I don't desire spruce, I infact don't like the texture of spruce in large amounts.
I'm suggesting this because of realism.
And i can get spruce really easily, selling and buying stuff has nothing to do with relations.

If you work at burger king, mcdonalds won't stop you from buying their burgers.


Active Member
We must look to the examples of the past in these darkest of times if we ever wish to see a brighter future. During the second world war, though they had differences, the Allies and the Comintern teamed up to stop that of the German War machine, as we must stick together to stop the Northern threat. We may be divided by location, but that doesn't change the fact that we are both South of the North.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
We have attempted to create a fairly realistic map with mobs and trees in biomes that they would be found irl. Despite this there are occasions where gameplay and balance must come first. An example of this is the making palm trees found on Ascalon out of Oak instead of Jungle wood. Likewise we feel it's important to keep Spruce trees unique the Kalros.