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Well-Known Member
"But Why Bother Make This Thread?" / Closing Thoughts
I made this thread to basically shut those who like to use my name to either talk about my name and friends to validate that "he has cheats, so they all have cheats." And because some certain people will continue to talk about this cheat, I'm just gonna let you people in particular know. You are not getting it anytime soon lol, so don't bother asking me again or else I'm reporting you to staff of this server. And if this does happen a few more times, I will personally hand over the cheat to said staff to both look into, 'decompile' and how to search for the cheat on a system. I will be involved in this and maybe even become more active out of spite for assisting staff to the best of my ability to find more ghost cheats.
I already sent the files to Skuhoo!