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Reiwa1 For Guardian

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Huge +1, great rep of the Turkish Loka players, excellent and friendly guy on top of knowing the server extremely well. Reiwa4Guardian!


+1 reiwa is a genuinely nice person. A week ago I asked if anyone was selling building mats in public chat and reiwa gave it all to me for free. It’s a small act of kindness but that can really tell you what type of person he is


New Member
He is one of the best staff i have ever seen, always helping people never being toxic and doing his job right. He is ready for guardian +1
Hearing Reiwa being 15 is a first for me, always thought he was older judging on how he acted. He is beyond mature for his age. He would be a great addition to the Guardian team!!



Well-Known Member
Let me t up and lock in and write an actual message here

I met Reiwa more than a year ago. At the time I didnt know anything about Loka and Reiwa was always there for me with his Gus profile picture from Better Call Saul. I had tough situations that I didnt know how to deal with at the time and Reiwa was always there and helpful towards literally everyone at any time. Me and Reiwa got close quick as we started to talk more.

I feel like Reiwa is one of the most maturest people for his age. This man could have made mistakes in his past as every human being has made and he made up for them. As anyone who is reading this definitely have heard it before that age is just a number, and your actions determine your age. You can be like Reiwa and act 25 when you are so much younger than that. Its all about maturity and I feel like thats what Loka Admins are looking for when they are getting a new admin.

Reiwa is always productive, mature, helpful. This man could be getting 10v1'd and still wont even care about it cause he is MATURE. I feel like he can also separate the joke and being serious. When the time comes he might be the funniest man you ever met, but when the time comes he might be the maturest man you ever met.

So yeah that was basically why Reiwa should be guardian. As Turkish community gets bigger in loka, Me and Reiwa can be helpful only so much in guide-chat, so thats why there is definitely a Turkish Admin needed like Reiwa to deal with everything.

🐐 (oh +1 btw hi reiwa)
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