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Implemented Remove Anything That Gives Resistance Buffs


Staff member
Why remove dbr tho, i get that the drunk effect doesn't last that long, but cmon let the crystal people have some fun. Just the side effects alone make eggnog terrible when crystalling

Alcohol isn't meant to become a PvP meta, most brews have a positive and a negative effect for that reason, but the meta was allowing you to use DBR to remove the negative effect so you just got Regen, which was not the intent.


Active Member
so you just got Regen, which was not the intent."
?? well I think you made a typo but if you think it gives some high level of regen, it doesn't. It just gives res1 for 40 seconds which still doesn't even let you tank 3 crystals.


Staff member
?? well I think you made a typo but if you think it gives some high level of regen, it doesn't. It just gives res1 for 40 seconds which still doesn't even let you tank 3 crystals.
the other regen :). If it didn't help you crystal at all then this change should make no difference for you then.


Active Member
the other regen :). If it didn't help you crystal at all then this change should make no difference for you then.
yeah I don't think anyone used regen anyway 😭 . And referring to the Res1 nerfs, yeah sure: I went all of lemonade vs bits crystalling without res1. But me saying "It doesn't even let you tank 3 crystals" doesn't mean it made no difference, it allowed you to tank 2 crystals without having to 3 block. Yet the vast majority of players continued to crystal themselves back to back to back even with that, so I don't really see why it got nerfed, literally only 3 people were good enough to use it properly.
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Staff member
It was more about nipping it in the bud before it got out of hand. Increasing number of players were bringing it to our attention and simply because "not many people use it" or "are good at using it" is not really a great argument against whether something should be nerfed or not I'm afraid.


Well-Known Member
Rather than removing bread, why not just tweak the cooldown timer on it? Why not make it so bread doesn’t affect drunkness only in conquest battles? I feel like this unintentionally does way more harm to the pve community than it should.


Staff member
Rather than removing bread, why not just tweak the cooldown timer on it? Why not make it so bread doesn’t affect drunkness only in conquest battles? I feel like this unintentionally does way more harm to the pve community than it should.

There's still Milk! Maybe you should just not drink so much... :/ It's bad for your health anyway