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Implemented Remove the Slowness Module or Combine it with the Laser Module


Well-Known Member
I think it is fair to say that it does have some problems especially with a new range but honestly It's not that bad. In 100% full honesty I think you are just upset you lost... again.

01010011 01000001 01001100 01010100 01011001 0001010

Although your writing format is impressive. Like you write an essay each time. Its worth noting that your claim is 100% empty without supporting evidence. As someone who is well versed in these things I present to you the pyramid of argument

The majority of your arguments are contradiction or ad hominem.

Keep going, I like watching you disrespect staff. It's pretty funny to watch as they are able to punch holes in your statements.

Apologies for the name calling bottom line. This is not my triangle and it is the actual original by the creator.

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Active Member
Notice how both 3/4 of the staff are in Iblis. Also notice how when they attack, they lose. Also, we've seen MrP scouting through our towns, specifically Firsthold, and looking through chests when he thinks he's in vanish.


Active Member
We are not upset we lost, SH loses when they attack too. Since the new modules came out, no one has won an attack on Balak, and we're unhappy because they're unbalanced.


Notice how both 3/4 of the staff are in Iblis. Also notice how when they attack, they lose. Also, we've seen MrP scouting through our towns, specifically Firsthold, and looking through chests when he thinks he's in vanish.
Proof? And they are in iblis cause they want to fight for big boi like all of karlos memebers went to Ascalon to fight


Well-Known Member
Notice how both 3/4 of the staff are in Iblis. Also notice how when they attack, they lose. Also, we've seen MrP scouting through our towns, specifically Firsthold, and looking through chests when he thinks he's in vanish.
Mozart, this was one person in Firsthold that was online thinking they saw a nameplate. I've thought I've seen such things when no one was there and I've chalked it up to just being strange lighting and particles from breaking blocks and being underground. Also considering whoever brought it up only let anyone know 3 Weeks After it "happened" I've personally decided it did not happen. Also the only time's MrP has ever been within Firsthold was when he was helping with problems as a staff member or making bringing alcohol to the stall at tournaments easier.

If we thought it was a legitimate concern and something that happened we would've taken action when we first heard about it.

Also to the point of 3/4 of staff being in Iblis, that's just a product of the fact that Cov and Iblis both are comprised of some of the most active members of the community for 2+ years (guestimating that number). There have been many people that have been against them but have gone inactive so just a product of that is a large part of staff being on one side of the war simply due to activity. I personally despise the claim of favoritism and only ever say it as a joke. That's why the people in charge of actually implementing changes hold no true allegiance because it is known that natural bias occurs when you're part of any side. While there may be some bias due to staff being mainly on one side, any major change/decision goes through those who's only bias could come out of friendships which I know for a fact the main players and actives from both sides are all, for the most part, friends and we all just want to have the most fun possible. While we can all still disagree and get passionate over things, based on my personal interactions with many of the staff on this server I can say without a doubt that we all just want to have fun and there is as little bias as possible within many decisions.

Also to put some of my own two cents in this discussion which I have mostly stayed out of because good lord that is a lot of text, I personally find slowness to be a very much big sad time. I think its true power isn't something that extends from its power alone but when synergized with other modules. I don't think that this is a bad thing but it is also why attacking an inhib with slowness module is not the same feeling. A side not is I was not actually attacking in that last fight, I was staying back at the inhib so I can't say how it really felt with all the chaos going on at the t-gen. I do think we need more fights to actually test this out and when the c train gets updated (possibly to even allow the invitation of people outside the alliance? would be a fun little thing to really test this stuff out) to better simulate real conquest fights such testing will be made much easier. I have my own ideas of ways to counteract slowness if it remains that I personally want to test which is the main reason why I have stayed out of this discussion. I agree and disagree with many points from both side and I think we have all come up with a lot of good points to be considered. I do agree that flat out AoE just does so much more work when there's a lot of people and I think it would be at the very least interesting to test out a laser type of style that gets more layers based on the amount of enemies (either in range or in the fight total) but I do feel it is too early to say that something is definitely overpowered.

I think a real focus for balance should be getting the new c train options so we can all do some real testing without the fear of losing strength because personally just attacking on Balak when you feel its hopeless because something is overpowered is very much not something someone would want to do. C Train will be the best environment for such testing after that update rolls out, whenever that will be.


Well-Known Member
I am quite happy to do so. Normally, speed II is an important asset to a conquest fight, but this completely negates it for one side while the other side keeps it and gives them a massively unfair advantage. For instance, if you get an enemy player low, they can just run and it's very hard to catch up even with pearls because of the cooldown. Think about it, if a player runs from you and you throw a pearl to catch up, they can then throw a pearl and you can't pearl for another 12 seconds, which gives them time to heal and your advantage is gone. The same works in reverse. If you're low it gives you no chance to run whatsoever while they can just crit you out. If something in here doesn't make sense, or if I missed something, please tell me.
But if you’re attacking the defenders should get an advantage. That’s why it’s more risky to attack, and slowness makes it hard to escape for sure, but if you land your pearl it dosnt stop you from healing and you will escape in to your team, if you fail your pearl.. well then tough luck, it’s suppose to be hard, not easy.
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Shame I can only like @Skuhoo 's post once. Recently in threads like this one I have been seeing way too much criticism of people and semantics instead of their actual ideas and suggestions. I'm all for suggestions, and I'm all about complaints. I'm psyched the forums are getting a lot of love. I like that when we have a problem or an idea, we can come here and speak up. But when other opinions are voiced--especially opinions that differ from yours-- it is important to respect the person behind the idea. Disagreement is not an attack. Instead of questioning whether someone read your post closely enough, or calling someone narrow-minded, or picking apart the organization of a response, we should be celebrating eachothers ideas and flexing our creativity as a group. We're all on the same team here, insofar as the fact that we all want Loka to continue to be an awesome server. Let's step into eachothers shoes, listen more, and make a better effort at friendly conversation.


Well-Known Member
Shame I can only like @Skuhoo 's post once. Recently in threads like this one I have been seeing way too much criticism of people and semantics instead of their actual ideas and suggestions. I'm all for suggestions, and I'm all about complaints. I'm psyched the forums are getting a lot of love. I like that when we have a problem or an idea, we can come here and speak up. But when other opinions are voiced--especially opinions that differ from yours-- it is important to respect the person behind the idea. Disagreement is not an attack. Instead of questioning whether someone read your post closely enough, or calling someone narrow-minded, or picking apart the organization of a response, we should be celebrating eachothers ideas and flexing our creativity as a group. We're all on the same team here, insofar as the fact that we all want Loka to continue to be an awesome server. Let's step into eachothers shoes, listen more, and make a better effort at friendly conversation.
What a god, someone build this pixelman a statue


Active Member
But if you’re attacking the defenders should get an advantage. That’s why it’s more risky to attack, and slowness makes it hard to escape for sure, but if you land your pearl it dosnt stop you from healing and you will escape in to your team, if you fail your pearl.. well then tough luck, it’s suppose to be hard, not easy.

I agree, and I have no problem with the other modules that give the defenders an advantage, I just think the slowness one is a little OP