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Requesting: Player Join Dates / Town Creation Dates


Active Member
I joined December 2013 and I was (as of two days ago) the founder and owner of Valkyrie which was made a week into the beginning of the current world.


Active Member
  • AttinghamEstates [AfricanPenguins, RogueWatermelon)
  • Copperhead (Agorednocit)
  • Woodswork (Rozzok)
  • WinterFjell (MrAlchemy, gabrosen)


Well-Known Member
i created an inactive town Auru, and it only kicked off when Ajaxan joined. So could say, we founded it together. only later on got to pass it over fully to Ajaxan.


Well-Known Member
Edit: Onodrim Sanctuary [Gabrosen, Gallazius, santahatninja]

Edit: WinterFjell [MrAlchemy, RCAD, Gabrosen]

Edit: Amanita [MrAlchemy, Quinavio, RCAD, Gabrosen]

Edit: Haven [Agorednocit, White_Raptor, MarcusAurelius, XxJayBeansxX (someone else)]

Add town Fifth gen: Shinigamix [ Anbuninja, Ninzaboy, (someone else)]

I have created another Fifth gen town, it's theme was pirates... I personally don't remember what it was named nor who I even made it with. I just remember I made a ship and It was in a mushroom biome near Fel'Bthaltf, I could show you the way from there... :p
Last edited:


Active Member
Edit: Onodrim Sanctuary [Gabrosen, Gallazius, santahatninja]

Edit: WinterFjell [MrAlchemy, RCAD, Gabrosen]

Edit: Amanita [MrAlchemy, Quinavio, RCAD, Gabrosen]

Edit: Haven [Agorednocit, White_Raptor (someone else)]

Add town Fifth gen: Shinigamix [ Anbuninja, Ninzaboy, (someone else)]

I have created another Fifth gen town, it's theme was pirates... I personally don't remember what it was named nor who I even made it with. I just remember I made a ship and It was in a mushroom biome near Fel'Bthaltf, I could show you the way from there... :p
I'll get to it soon. Going to be busy the next day.


Found some new towns: Hidden Caverns in the 2nd world; The Lotus Blossom Temple made by Mr. Alchemy in the 2nd world; Midguard in 4th world; Tyndall by Mopy (basing off a wiki page so it might not be accurate); Yggdrasil by Mtndome, Dragostei by Ivette_Aramis (hyhu), idkJohn (IdkKhev), CrewSoulReaper, and AyeeJordan; Blackwater by Harlum Antioch, Eri by Jocelyn_Reed. Many more from this link. http://loka.wikia.com/wiki/Cities_of_Loka