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No Plans to Implement Resource Seas

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Well-Known Member
So, with Loka being updated to 1.13 in the very near future, people may want to use the coral blocks and new conduits, which can't be regenerated without modification. Well, this is the solution, Regenerating Oceans!
How It Works
So, basically, this would be areas of the ocean that regenerate overtime randomly, in the fashion of the resource island. You can find nautilus shells, hearts of the sea and drowned all in the depths that are the Resource Seas. There would be 1-2 per continent and one would be located by the resource island and the other in some water body located in the continent. There would be chests in random spots around the area and treasure maps showing the location would be in regenerating shipwrecks. These chests would contain nautilus shells and hearts of the sea along with other goodies. These Chests would be rare, only around 5 daily would spawn. Drowned mobs would spawn around shipwrecks representing possible crew of the ship, and creating a very ominous atmosphere around the wrecks. The main area of the Regenerating Sea would be coral reef, making it more useful with coral fans and coral creating a very natural atmosphere on top of the ominous one. Leaves and prismarine blocks would be included around making it more natural. It would all be inside of a ”crater” in the ground with caves around for air. These caves could include abundant amounts of resources like iron, coal and redstone. Turtles and fish would also be swimming around the area making it really feel like and ocean. It would be great!
So, I feel that this could benefit the server greatly. The main areas of the ocean would only slowly regenerate, whereas the Regenerating Seas would regenerate daily. This could be one of the best features on Loka. I haven't completely decided the name, so leave some better suggestions in the comments. Please leave any other suggestions in the comments and answer the poll for feedback! I want to improve on the idea and maybe make it a reality :) I love the feedback, truly.

I am open to any new PVE ideas (possibly a boss?)
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Active Member
I have 2 rather large things to add to this, one important thing is that Loka's oceans are getting revamped anyway, another is that the Drowned spawn in all water, and not just oceans. also, nautilus shells can be found anywhere that you can fish. It seems to me like this is unneeded.


I feel like making seas that actively regenerated over time would definitely be something that should be considered greatly as the build team work on designing new oceans for Loka once the tools they use are updated to work with the latest update.

Also as for a name we could go with something like Rejuvenating Oceans which is similar to the RI in name but instead is the RO!


Well-Known Member
This idea does have some points that are redundant with what has already been talked about at length. However, this addition to the server would only prove to reinforce Loka's unique game play, not to mention adding more PVE content. +1


Well-Known Member
This idea does have some points that are redundant with what has already been talked about at length. However, this addition to the server would only prove to reinforce Loka's unique game play, not to mention adding more PVE content. +1
The main idea here is a place to get the new blocks and heart of the sea (only found in chests which are otherwise non-regeneratable in the base game).