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No Plans to Implement Revert to Vanilla PvP Damage


Active Member
Here we go.
As of now me, and many others in the pvp community in many towns don't agree with lokas 33% dmg increase.
It's gotten alot of complaints from pvp'ers who would of stayed and played if it weren't for it.
I feel as if loka needs some core vanilla aspects in it.
Such as the vanilla pvp damage.
Right now you can die with only 3 crits inflicted on you.

Well, Yeah it's true.
Reverting to vanilla damage would...
1. Get PvP'ers from the vanilla community interested to play in loka.
2. Would make loka more friendly to vanilla players.
3. Would make pvp more strategy based and less "Crit" Based.

Strafing is a core aspect in pvp, And i rarely see it used.
Since the 33% Damage increase is in place, It makes strafing totally useless since the person can just stand and crit the strafing person.
Strafing is something that needs to be used more, And utilized more in conquest and in duels.

Let's go back to the days of the graxian empire.
A Town at war with eldritch at the time.
Alot of our forces were complaining about the 33% dmg increase being too much.
While kills were achieved on both sides.
And victories too.
The "3 Crit Death" Seemed too much in the eyes of the pvp'ers.
Casualities should be alot in conquest, I agree.
But i don't think casualties where the enemy gets 3 crits on you and then 1 second later is how conquest should be like.
It should be a total war, players fighting eachother.
battles should take long.
Be a rarer commodity.
Anyway, That's my thoughts on the 33% damage increase.


Active Member
Personally not for nor against it, but here's a suggestion that might satisfy both sides if it's possible, keep 33% damage boost but remove the ability to crit/set crit damage to default, then people will die but you can't get 3 tapped


Well-Known Member
Personally not for nor against it, but here's a suggestion that might satisfy both sides if it's possible, keep 33% damage boost but remove the ability to crit/set crit damage to default, then people will die but you can't get 3 tapped


Active Member
Yes, DFG!
Excellent Idea.
It would be better if critting was not 33% extra damage!
But regular hits were 33% extra.
I'm with DFG on this.


Staff member
I thought this was a bit out of the blue, but I can see you got quickdropped a couple of times in duels shortly before this post. You just need to learn to pot, man. Wasting 3 of your hotbar slots on speed, strength, and regen is silly and almost certainly one of the reasons you're having trouble staying alive.


-1 Loka is cool with this type of pvp style and has actually made me a better vanilla pvper, Loka pvp has always been different and thats for a good reason, I can't agree with this decission.


Well-Known Member
-1, I like this mechanic. However, I'll agree if you can crit people pretty well you're certainly set


Well-Known Member
I don't see how it will make players crit less. Crits are always going to do the most damage, and so people will continue to crit constantly. Strafing is used a lot, people strafe before they crit, it's not all critting, watch most of the youtube videos uploaded about loka and its pvp, sure most of it is critting but why would you strafe constantly if you could deal tons more damage from critting? Lokas 33% damage is much better, it makes it more intense for conquest and fighting, makes you stick with your team, think about your choices in a tgen fight. I hope it stays as 33% damage.



Staff member
I'm not sure if it's 3 crits or 4 right now that it takes to kill somebody; I was pretty sure it was 4. Either way, with vanilla damage, it only takes one additional crit to kill a person. Our 33% damage is meaningful, for sure, but it does not wildly change the dynamic of pvp. It simply takes one crit fewer to kill somebody.


Well-Known Member
I feel that crit damage should be nerfed, and the overall damage down to a 15% increase. Balance and good pvp..


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't mind seeing one of those test PG lobbies back. I'd think a normal or more towards normal damage buff would be less detrimental to server growth since it's more familiar and avoids the need to have to explain damage increases to new recruits. The other thought is that new players and players that aren't experienced fighters drop so quickly. I get that most will fall fast anyway (myself included), but it might be a barrier to positive new player experiences in conquest battles. If you're just getting into a new server and you can't keep alive long enough to enjoy the better parts of it, you might just bail/be less invested.


Active Member
-1 in completely vanilla, since 1.9, it takes far too long to die, especially with the dumb 1.9 regeneration system where you eat steak and your health just shoots up, and the 33% damage increase helps a lot with that. What I'm saying may not make sense, so please correct me if I'm wrong, since I know more about 1.8 pvp than 1.9


I'm not sure if it's 3 crits or 4 right now that it takes to kill somebody; I was pretty sure it was 4. Either way, with vanilla damage, it only takes one additional crit to kill a person. Our 33% damage is meaningful, for sure, but it does not wildly change the dynamic of pvp. It simply takes one crit fewer to kill somebody.

Yeah I’m pretty sure it takes 4 crits, not 3, to kill someone and after observing people fight for a long time, it feels like a safe number to me.