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Ridiculously cheap wool for sale!


Hey you! That's right, YOU!
Have you not been wanting to build something? Don't you want to show off your creative side? Well now is that time with Lottaine's Ridiculously cheap wool sale. Wool from all 16 colors are available for you to purchase now! Not only is it ready for you to take within minutes, the prices have been almost cut in half! That's right! You heard it here! The price for wool is been cut to sell sell sell! From once a diamond a stack is now "best offer" but remember, I'm pricing it to sell it! This sale goes on until supplies last. Remember, Loka will be having a new map reset, so why not build something to show off that you were a part of this map!

-Contact through forms or on game
-Prices are best offer
-The more you buy, the more free wool you get!
-That's right, I through in a few extra stacks
-Until supplies last



New Member
Testimonial from a real satisfied consumer:

I used to shear my own sheep for wool. It was a long, tedious, boring thing to do. It would take me daays to get the ammounts i needed and it usually didn't even come out the way i wanted it to.
Then a friend told me of Lottaine's Ridiculously cheap wool sale. My life did a full 180º turn. Now I have more time to mine and craft!
Thanks to Lottaine's Ridiculously cheap wool sale I can finally have all my wooly needs satisfied! Get in contact with Lottaine's and you will not be dissapointed!

Thank you very much Lottaine's Ridiculously cheap wool sale !!!


Well-Known Member
These sheep are not kept in humane conditions!

I demand the release and complete freedom of every sheep used for the collection of wool sold by Lottaine and other members of Tyndall & co.

Free the sheeeeeeeep!


New Member
Zor95 said:
These sheep are not kept in humane conditions!

I demand the release and complete freedom of every sheep used for the collection of wool sold by Lottaine and other members of Tyndall & co.

Free the sheeeeeeeep!

Capitalism at it's finest. Hippies included.