Hello fellow lokans, I'm here to suggest a big change to rivi fights, it's almost impossible to win a rivi fight when you're attacking. I think everyone can agree with me on this everyone also managed this in all the rivi fights in the past months. maybe there's a possibility to have a change in rivi fights like instead of 4 modules 2 modules? or maybe no modules at all? and no attacking modules then? or maybe remove all the damaging modules? so it's really about PVP only since they give an insane amount of value in small fights like rivi fights. if you see a 120-person fight it's strong but in a 10v10 it's legit overpowered. It's almost impossible for attackers to take charges when you constantly get hit by attacking modules and then you get crit out by the entire team instantly too then you gotta pearl away refill and repeat the same thing. Maybe there's a possibility to just nerf the modules in rivi? cause the value the modules give you when you're on defense is just absolutely insane.