With hopefully sometime in the near future a rotation of rivi titles every 2 weeks SHOULD come to us at some stage, is it possible that in these every 2 weeks it rotates from 10v10s to 20v20s?, 15v15s? or other.
Or in general a possible overall increase to 15playersV15players, truthfully, this post comes from the fact that I feel bad for the players that can't warp to rivi due to the high competitiveness this mode has for no reason, and with an extra 5 players on each team I truly believe this would often allow to give a lot of players more of a chance to learn the server and conquest.
I understand that Rivi is meant to be more accessible for smaller towns, but at this time it isn't utilized as such and I think the possibility atleast for now or on a rotating cycle for a larger amount (not by crazy) should be allowed to participate in these fights, I don't see any good reason as to why not.
Or in general a possible overall increase to 15playersV15players, truthfully, this post comes from the fact that I feel bad for the players that can't warp to rivi due to the high competitiveness this mode has for no reason, and with an extra 5 players on each team I truly believe this would often allow to give a lot of players more of a chance to learn the server and conquest.
I understand that Rivi is meant to be more accessible for smaller towns, but at this time it isn't utilized as such and I think the possibility atleast for now or on a rotating cycle for a larger amount (not by crazy) should be allowed to participate in these fights, I don't see any good reason as to why not.