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Suggestion Rivina - Food for thought

-1 I agree fully in the aspect that leaving people out isn’t any fun but if the cap is made to 15 there will still be people who are left out that wish to warp. It will still be a problem regardless if the cap is 15. I can’t think of anything else on the spot at the moment.
"-1 the problem will still exist" I don't think you understand how much more that 5 people is for people, because at most given times the average alliance does have about 15 people on, It's unreasonable to say this wouldn't make a difference, plus I suggested 15 or 20, if you think 15 is too little I'm all for 20 top node, but the "5 people extra wouldn't make a difference" is the stupidest argument
the only reason why I enjoy rivis is because it has high competitiveness. I dont think it would be the same experience in a 15v15 or 20v20. Not being able to warp to rivi is one of the reasons why I've gotten a lot better.
It can be just as competitive with many more people, lame reason.
+1 but cap it at 15v15s because imo getting 20 people on for a rivina fight is kind of excessive.
you could also try to add a feature that allows you to choose whether its a 10v10 or 15v15 when you place
Ok? I don't think so, having 10 of the best players from one alliance vs 10 of the best from another seems a lot more competitive than 20v20
I said and I quote "It can be just as competitive with many more people" Which is fact, don't you think 20 of the best players against 20 of the best would be just as competitive? It's fact that it would be.
I said and I quote "It can be just as competitive with many more people" Which is fact, don't you think 20 of the best players against 20 of the best would be just as competitive? It's fact that it would be.
Ok? lets take RP for example

we have 8 good regulars and the rest of our players arent good

8 good rp players + 12 bad players vs 20 good bits players
Ok? lets take RP for example

we have 8 good regulars and the rest of our players arent good

8 good rp players + 12 bad players vs 20 good bits players
You're furthering my point, this drives further competetiveness and a real drive to compete at the top, it's not like all nodes would be 20 max.
I dont think 5 or 10 more people is significant in alliances that warp 50+. The vast majority of players would still get left out and increasing the cap betrays the purpose of Rivina, a place where small towns can be on an equal playing field with large alliances.
Small towns will never beat the large alliances for the fact they wont either have the manpower, or the skill for it. Lets take Western Rivendell for example, it has good players like Tohy, Hitboxer and Casper, but they always lost against RP and BITS, every single time. Because they never just had the people to warp, it would always be 4 or 5 people warping. And why is that, you may ask? Its because most people just dont see the appeal in joining a small town thats not in any alliance, and if they do its not for the pvp. So most small alliances not fo used on pvp dont even bother getting a rivi tile, like the commons.
Yo 15v15 ftw

While we're on this topic can we have it so people have to request to Rivi like it's reins. A lot of kids spam the warp and end up glitching it or log off/PG and can't be removed unless they remove themselves. Also for some reason if you remove someone from the warp it just automatically puts one of the glitched people on :v