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SebbyV Unban Appeal


Hello Loka community and staff team, around 6 months ago I was permanently banned for saying insensitive things about Israel to Daqniel. to start this appeal I would like to apologize to the entire Loka community. In my last few months playing Loka, I had become a very toxic player and I was taking the game far too seriously and that will never happen again. I'm not going to make any excuses since I think what I said was wrong and my ban was very deserved and looking back I also believe I should have been banned/muted before this incident due to my toxicity. Since my ban, I have learned from my mistakes and have become a lot more of a mature person. I am very sorry for my actions and It will not be repeated. I hope that I can rejoin the Loka community and move forward from this,
Thank You.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, Sebby was decent except for when he was scumming potato sales in the market. However what he said is absolutely unacceptable for numerous reasons.



Well-Known Member
+1 sebby is a silly little dude who got a little mad but sebby is a nice dude with a big heart and sebby apologized and sebby was also rambling cuz sebby is a dumb dumb who gets mad at minecraft but sebby wont do that anymore because sebby learnt from sebbys mistakes.

i love sebby cuz sebby is a good person and i hope sebby gets unbanned from loka. i think sebby apology was genuine and i do not see sebby being rude to others in chat again if sebby gets unbanned because sebby learned a valuable lesson.


I believe that he should be unbanned but have maybe 2 week temp ban as what he said to Daqniel was insensitive and rude. Especially during a time where tensions in that region are at an all time high.
+1 but maybe a temp ban for 2 weeks
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