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All powerful goddess Jaime Prince has a balance beetween him. Later he lost a battle with the goddess Skullcrusher Johnas. When Silver was born, so was Mtndew98. Mtndew98 was the other half of the personality making him almost oppisite from Silver. Inapplicable was Silver's dad and Jaimeees was his mom. Inapplicable didn't know and Jaimeees didnt care yet. Silver went on his quest to find his oppisite personality before it could shift away. Little did he know Skullcrusher Johnas was trying to possess him. His memory was later wiped by Johnas making him faint. He woke up with a girl looking at him who turned out being his mom. After Zorros was out of the alliance she started hating her son. He later was adopted by Mason97m and his 2 kids RayWard and Tigerbird.


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