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SirRizzLot/Rugiviet Ban Appeal


New Member
Date of last appeal 1-14-24 Banned around 10 months ago
Hello, My name is Rugiviet. I got banned for hacking in duels as a way to force myself to get banned due to being angry about the way the moderation banned people in my alliance for things I believed to be false. I have since then aged quite a bit and I am about to graduate from high school. I understand the way that me hacking was something really bad and really scummy to do. In the moment I should have just logged off instead of getting myself banned.

I would also like to apologize for the things i said to raddus_ almost a year ago. I can not recall the exact things i said since the long time ago but I remember that he was hurt by my words. I have fully left the loka community since my ban. I have begun to understand that even if you feel like something is wrong you should not do wrong things to get back at it. I hope that I can be unbanned and rejoin Loka as a new person altogether. Have a good day.
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