First off, I realise that this probably isn't one of the higher things on Crypt's to-do list, so please don't reply, saying he's had better stuff to do, like arena work
Ok, now that's over, I would like to know if anyone else had the bug where Cathedral's (or anyone else's) citizens lost their slicer rank during the world transfer. I lost mine and still havn't had it back and I wanted to know an estimate of when this will happen. One, because it makes me feel weird, hving to ask this question all the time and two, I may want to apply for sentry sometime in the future.
Thanks much!
Ok, now that's over, I would like to know if anyone else had the bug where Cathedral's (or anyone else's) citizens lost their slicer rank during the world transfer. I lost mine and still havn't had it back and I wanted to know an estimate of when this will happen. One, because it makes me feel weird, hving to ask this question all the time and two, I may want to apply for sentry sometime in the future.
Thanks much!