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Why can't I write like you?

Also you absolutely can. Just need a bit of good ol' inspiration. And some practice.
The Artifact prevents anyone on it's world from dying, period.

Imagine that you're Asymptonic, a Slicer suddenly unable to Slice off of the world you've just arrived on. You're trapped, and as time goes on, you and your research team begin to panic and try to puzzle out the source of the problem. All they know is that there's a bizarre object floating atop one of the Three Sisters. Time goes on. A lot of time. Now the rest of your team is gone; over the years they all wandered off in search of some kind of escape. By now you know the awful truth: you can't die. There is no escape, let alone a way to return home. You have been cut off from the escape of death. And now, alone, you wait. And wait. And wait. And wait. You wait so long you go insane, regain your sanity, go insane again, regain your sanity, and on and on it goes for eons beyond count. You forget who you are, where you came from, remember it, and then forget it all again. You can't leave the three sisters, not now, not after you've known nothing else for so long. You etch gibberish into the stone walls of the mountains, then complex messages and theorems, then gibberish again. Time becomes a blur, faster and faster and faster until you've utterly forgotten yourself and become a shell, a walking nightmare filled with the monotony of a thousand thousand lifetimes.

That is the Artifact's curse. That is why, as so many of us have said, this is hell.

Looks like someone took their deep, inspiring writer hipster pills this morning.