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Suggestion Soulbound Items


Well-Known Member
Because I know there will be more people with idea for Soulbound items lets go ahead and have a thread for them so Crypt doesn't have to search to hard to find more ideas assuming he's looking for more of them in the first place. ;)

Anyway I'll go ahead and try to put down some ground rules for these items. Because these are donations items and aren't earned in any special way besides supporting the server (I guess they don't have to be but I'm assuming most of them would be) they can't give any significant advantage. And the reason I say "no significant advantage" instead of no advantage at all, is because someone complaining about a fishing rod with unlimited durability being OP while they are decked out in fully enchanted Diamond armor needs to get over themselves.

That said lets hear some ideas! Some things to keep in mind, you have access to all Minecraft's resources when coming up with items. So particles, blocks you can't normally obtain, special colors and descriptions, effects, and more!


That said here is one of my ideas to start with!

Fun weapons! These are special weapons that do some crazy stuff (fun/funny noises and particle effects) that you can basically "bonk" other players with. They would do the normal amount of damage the weapon normally does (Don't complain, you have much better weapons to use for combat than a $20 bonk stick) though so you could have player battle to the death fun weapons for much more interesting battles.

Alrighty, come up with more ideas, this could be really cool stuff!


Well-Known Member
What about just being able to place tags on items? To make lore come to life, or what about being able to color the names of the items different colors like purple or black? Ooo there are so many ideas!


Active Member
Maybe it could be that you could attach a book to an item or block (a limited number in total?), somehow like the way books are connected to banners in the town room.


Active Member
Anything you use in PvP should be off limits for the souldbound perk, right? What about tools: Pickaxes, shovels, hoes (yeah, right :) ), and axes (without Sharpness enchants, maybe)?


Well-Known Member
different idea. Maybe library books could track how many times they are readed