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State of Affairs Discussion


Staff member
I'd like this thread to be a serious discussion about how you guys think the server is running, and, more important, things you'd like changed; either because they're broken, unfair, or whatever the reason. There're a lot of ideas running around and alot of them only make it to one person and then sometimes die. I think it's only fair that people should be able to publicly voice their opinions here and open them up for discussion.

Kindly only post suggestions, etc of things that are realistic, not ICBM warfare, etc. Keep it civil, let's not have this devolve into a flame war, this thread is meant to be a place where admins can voice their opinions on some of the ideas being thrown around at present, so that everybody can see what the current zeitgeist of Loka is.

Okay, go!
I have serious suggestions, I just need to collect my thoughts on them before I post ideas.

Isn't that what you posted on my thread like this? :P

I'll come back with some actual ideas once I've had a chance to talk with adder, need to see what he thinks first.
I'm not complaining about what we have in Loka now, but personally, I think we should make the Artifact related RP a tad more active, I remember that when I first joined, people (me included) would stroll upon Prekkie's plans, or we would get messages that hinted of his revival.

Even though I didn't know much about the story at the time, it made me curious and was a major hook for me, thus making me investigate in the wiki and stay in the server
Stealing is Legal on LOKA, but being a thief is a crime
The problem of thieves.

Okay here are some issues we need to consider.

Tools towns have to protect themselves:

1. Gens
2. Walls (with water, with lava, or with both)
3. huge distance between non-gen protected area and walls
4. block over chests
5. blocks over doors
6. screening members or friends only
7. blocked portals
8. traps
and so much more

Tools of thieves
1. Cannons
2. Portaling
3. convincing town members to betray
4. Invis pots

1. All glitches (block jumping, boating etc)
2. All mods
3. Griefing
4. destruction of redstone/rails
5. Alts
6. chaos cannons

Okay so here are the problems.

Image of the Thief
* When you are a thief, you walk a very very fine line. A thief that fails a raids is considered unskilled, petty, and is laughed at.
* A thief who has a successful at raid, is accused of glitches, hacks, xray or other mods. Even if it was a clean raid.

-Thieves have to go out of their way to prove they are not hackers or use glitches, because everyone knows after a good raid, that is the first thing people cry.

The Laws
More rules and laws are created to protect players and towns. But those same rules constantly add limits to thieves.
Towns become more OP because of those rules, and thieves are more restricted. this means that thieves have less tools to work with and more red tape to work around.

The gray area
I have been asking for the rule "cannon for entry" to be clearly defined. I am still asking
Many thieves would choose not to use cannons because it increases the risk of a mistake and getting banned. Cannons are seen as very risky to many because of the gray areas in the definition of "entry only". However, Many towns are impossible to get into without the use of cannons and even then, there is no guaranteeing that it won't be messy. Some towns can't be entered at all.

noobs as targets
Noobs and noob towns are becoming targets of thieves, why? because older more established towns have OP protection and are impossible to get into.
Noob towns are all that is left. until they too learn to build up their defenses, noob towns are the only towns thieves can get into without using risky cannons. This is so harmful to the server, it scares off noobs and slows Loka's development. But noob towns are all that is left, when you take into account the few tools thieves are allowed to use.

Admin interference
Admins (guardians +) tend to restrict the raiding of certain towns for certain periods of town. Only adding to the lack of targets on this server.
ALSO logblock is being used to identify raiders with perms. If stealing is legal, why is logblock being used for raiding?

The desire for balance
I believe that the server needs to be more balanced. Towns are op and tip the scale. Lets give thieves some tools back

I request for:

1. Boating to be allowed again (outside spawn protection)
2. Block jumping to be allowed (outside spawn protection)
4. Chests not be allowed to have a block over them
5. Ender pearls to be enabled (outside spawn protection)

The server needs balance.
Boating cant be given back. it was a bug and was fixed by mojang.
I vote hell no to not putting blocks over chests.
Block Jumping to be allowed i'm happy with. This cant be caught and although is a glitch i think thiefs should have it.
Ender pearls is a tricky number.

Some parts i do have to agree with joce. We advertise as a pvp server yet towns cannot be taken down. I do feel we should bring a bit of the pvp back to loka.

Also a lot more rp would be nice.

And we are driving a lot of the newbies away. I would have though we'd have had newbie towns popping up everywhere over these holidays. But we've had one maybe two. We need to try harder to keep newbies.
I have to say I agree with 90% of what Joce has to say.

Towns do have a lot of protection. I understand that generators are meant to provide a sense of security for residents of Loka, however, I miss the good ole Vanilla days of having to have half a brain to hide your hard-earned loot, rather than just throwing a dirt block over it.

Many towns are near impenetrable at this point. Walls with water on the inside, without a very time consuming and innovative cannon design, are about impossible to get through. Cities that have been on Loka for a while, understand the basic necessities to eliminate thievery.

Cover your chests
Water walls
Screen members
Cover doors
Active gens

She also raises a good point about noobs becoming easy targets. This does scare of new players, but is very easily accessible to the older members.

All five of her points are all valid, although #5 makes me wanna tell said admins to shove off, thievery is legal. But I haven't been told that by any of them, so IDC :3

The requests aren't by any means, unreasonable. "Glitching" into a town is only seen as a crime because it's seen as an easy way into a town. Well, yeah it helps, but it doesn't mean you can't get around it.

Boating? You need space to get into a town with it.
Block Jumping? You can only jump so high.
Chests not being covered I ABSOLUTELY agree with. Again, I like the idea of having to HIDE chests, as opposed to just covering them.
Ender pearls? I'm not too familiar with, but I believe you could just extend protection.

I do think that server rules restrict thievery. But I also think, even with player heads additions, that the server is rather boring at this point. It needs to be spiced up. Making established towns actually have to do something to protect themselves, other than mine once a week is a good idea, in my book.

Gens are pretty excessive. Done right, no one can steal from a town, short of a betrayal from the inside. I really think that towns should have to work at staying safe, not just being given extreme protection.

However, I do think her opinion is a bit biased :p
Mtndome said:
****She also raises a good point about noobs becoming easy targets. This does scare of new players, but is very easily accessible to the older members.

*******I do think that server rules restrict thievery. But I also think, even with player heads additions, that the server is rather boring at this point. It needs to be spiced up. Making established towns actually have to do something to protect themselves, other than mine once a week is a good idea, in my book.

********Gens are pretty excessive. Done right, no one can steal from a town, short of a betrayal from the inside. I really think that towns should have to work at staying safe, not just being given extreme protection.

SO pretty much out of all what Mtn just said, this is what I personally think would be nice if something were done about them.