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Suggestion Stealing after leaving a town.


New Member
So... If you are in a town, you cant steal from it.
But what if you do /g leave while inside of it. You can steal all the valuables and leave.

There could be some kind of a 3 day cooldown, before you can steal from the town you left.


Active Member
I think if you /clear town you will leave the town and you cannot steal from it until you have completly left the town. Before stealing from it you have to be at spawn or at least outside the towns protection. Then you can go and raid the town that you wish to raid. Keep in mind that you cannot put holes in the wall or any sort of defense the town has. You cannot leave holes open to get in and out of the town. You have to find your own way in. This is in my opinion.


Active Member
Ron has clarified pretty well. You cannot join a town and then during your stay set it up for raiding. This is in offense to the ruling made for no insiders or town betrayal. It may need clarification or a change in wording to ensure people make no mistake, but it is illegal.


Active Member
15. Don't Betray Your Town
15.2. You CANNOT ASSIST anyone in getting into any part of your town or stealing from it.


That includes yourself.