Hey all, it's time for me to go! I just wanted to let everyone know publicly that I will not be around much anymore. Mrs. P and I are bringing a boy into the world and I will want to spend all my time with the both of them! We are super pumped, but I am going to miss Loka and all of you for sure. Since I will not be around, I will be stepping down as guardian and probably giving Silverhand to someone that will care for it as much as I have. I will definitely still show up every once and a while to say hi, and I might even host a tournament at some point because we all know I'm a sucker for a good tourney. Typing this out brings back a lot of great memories, and I can't thank everyone enough for playing and making the journey that much more fun.
To my allies - thanks for giving me the opportunity to lead a great alliance. I would have accomplished nothing without all of you, and I have loved getting to know you guys and girls. Your friendships mean a great deal to me and I will always treasure those. I learned a lot from you all, and I can honestly say that I am a better person from going through this journey with you. We achieved great things together and were able to take world cap several times as a coordinated group of friends that had a ton of fun. You all are what made playing on Loka truly great for me, and I am very grateful for you.
To my EnEmIeS - thanks for the great fights, opposing me wherever I went, recruiting people to grow the server and take us down, and for being chill people that were fun to talk with as well as fight against. You guys make the server better. Whether that is by participating in the forums to better Loka, or just welcoming in new players, I have a lot of respect for you all and hope you all enjoyed fighting me as much as I did you!
To everyone - continue to make suggestions, give criticism, and offer feedback. BUT please always remember that this amazing server is run by one passionate guy. This is a labor of love that Cryptite is heavily invested in and we all get to enjoy for free while he makes 0 profit from it. ( yet
) Be kind to each other, and take Loka to heights it has never been before. Friend or foe, we all should work together to that end.
My time here has been great. I accomplished a few things, made a few mistakes that I got to learn from, built a great town with my brother, Misty, and Crunk, started and grew a powerful alliance, and ultimately got to invest in some really special relationships. Loka is the best because of the passion in its community and I wish nothing but success for Loka and for all of you!
gf - MrP
To my allies - thanks for giving me the opportunity to lead a great alliance. I would have accomplished nothing without all of you, and I have loved getting to know you guys and girls. Your friendships mean a great deal to me and I will always treasure those. I learned a lot from you all, and I can honestly say that I am a better person from going through this journey with you. We achieved great things together and were able to take world cap several times as a coordinated group of friends that had a ton of fun. You all are what made playing on Loka truly great for me, and I am very grateful for you.
To my EnEmIeS - thanks for the great fights, opposing me wherever I went, recruiting people to grow the server and take us down, and for being chill people that were fun to talk with as well as fight against. You guys make the server better. Whether that is by participating in the forums to better Loka, or just welcoming in new players, I have a lot of respect for you all and hope you all enjoyed fighting me as much as I did you!
To everyone - continue to make suggestions, give criticism, and offer feedback. BUT please always remember that this amazing server is run by one passionate guy. This is a labor of love that Cryptite is heavily invested in and we all get to enjoy for free while he makes 0 profit from it. ( yet

My time here has been great. I accomplished a few things, made a few mistakes that I got to learn from, built a great town with my brother, Misty, and Crunk, started and grew a powerful alliance, and ultimately got to invest in some really special relationships. Loka is the best because of the passion in its community and I wish nothing but success for Loka and for all of you!
gf - MrP