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Stepping down and stepping back

Through fighting side by side, in a countless number of wars, you've taught me that not every fight is determined by the manpower nor the skill. Even the strongest of warriors needs a dependable alchemist by their side, just as every child needs a father in their life. I'm sure you'll be a great parent, Mr.P, and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. Do make sure to pop in every once in awhile, and always keep in touch. Who knows what one cheeky wizard will write about you in lore one day? ;)

If I may ask, have you and the Misses come up with a name yet?
Mrp it was wonderful to be in Silverhand with you, except when you let the town be boring 60% of the time. We have a lot of memories, especially when you were being stupid or making fun of me because I was being stupid. I know you’ll be a great father to this kid and continue to be a good husband . You are like a big brother to me, stay in touch and don’t be a stranger I’ll miss you a lot ! <3
Congrats on Baby P! Sad to see you go, you’ve certainly made your impact here on Loka. Despite our differences, you have inspired me, and I appreciate that. Best of luck to you and your family!
Ditto to what I said in discord. To add to that, you’re a natural leader man and I hope that what you’ve learned about leadership here on L will better help you in life. I, and the rest do Gulls, owe you a lot and that’s not something that happens often. If true friends are rare, than a true friend and a true leader are even rarer. I really look forward to playing with your kid 5 years from now (if we’re all still around by then :p) gl with life man, never change.
And remember
Go Forth!
Have you got a name for you're little boi yet? If not I'm sure we would all think it would be hilarious to name him Dan. (JK name your kid whatever your wife and you are both ok with.)
Didn’t know you too much Mr P, but don’t tell anyone this: you’re probs my fav guardian :0
Anywho, I wish you luck for the future with your endeavours and newborn kiddo, I’m so happy for you. Have a celebratory donut!
Although you've ganked me countless times, Loka won't the same without you. God be with you, your wife, and the new baby! Congratulations!
Hey, good luck with the kid, make sure he grows up right, unlike swearing like a sailor, and hope you have a great time with the kid, tell the little guy that we all love him for who he was raised by, a great Minecraft player, and an even better father. Godspeed from Loka
Congrats on the baby! You will certainly be missed around here, so I think a lot of us will look forward to those tournaments quite a bit more now. Best of luck with all of your future endeavors and I hope for good health for yourself, your wife, and your new child!
We've known each other since the Arvik and Silverhand war, I remember thinking I could beat you and then I never did lmao, tbh we've only gotten to know each a bit and that saddens me, you've made a great legacy for yourself on the server and I hope that one day i can have a legacy as great as yours, wish you all the best for you are your wife in this new adventure of parenthood, and I'm sure you'll be a wonderful father.

- Thanius/Aaron