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Steve5729 for Librarian

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Well-Known Member
Age: 16

Current rank:

Which rank you are applying for:

Prefix: Am I applying for to many ranks at once? Probably. Am I gonna do it anyways? Yes.

What you think is expected of this rank:
Librarians need to be able to read lore and write lore. A good Librarian should write their own lore but not try to force others to write lore that applys to everyone elses lore. If a player wants to write them selves as a lone wolf then a Librarian shouldn't say: "Um Actually you need to write it where you and your town were all together." Good Librarians should also write lore. EG. Wizardteepot's Gain His Trust. I recently removed my books from the library since I thought they were low quality. I will soon be writing more books to donate to the library and also a GHT inspired forums story. Librarians should also check for new submissions to the library daily. Librarians should read those submissions carefully and make sure there is nothing offensive in there or anything.

Why you think you should become this rank: I, as a person, try to be consistent. My grammar is decent but it's no where near perfect. I strive for creativity in my work and before writing lore I tend to read up on previous lore for Inspiration and to try and make sure my lore "Fits".One of my older books (Now removed.) Had a reference to me trying to find a way to reinvent Prek's bomb as an example. My favorite School subject is... Math but English is definitely up there. Alot of my lore is often either inspired by Tolkien or Lovecraft (and more recently Tee!) I try to keep my self as open to new ideas. If a player wants to write lore about them self as a Cave Troll then they can go ahead. Just please don't be a furry. I often take trips to the Aladra Library and read some of the works of other players or elders, personal favorite: Sku's Last Stand. Unfortunately I haven't done that recently due to Conquest and IRL stuff.

When you started playing on the server:
December 8th 2016

Time zone:

How often do you play (hours a day/week):
I aim for daily. School sucks and is getting gets in the way sometimes but the rest of the time I can play a couple hours every day. Assuming I'm not on vacation or anything.

Last note: Please don't downvote or upvote this post based on me as a player. Do it based on me as a lore writer. Which might not seem like much now but I have plans . :)
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