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Still Interested...

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Active Member
Greetings again lokans, Yes, i’m here again to appeal the ban that has been handed to me 2 years ago and to be frank with you there’s not much else to say as i’ve said most of it in my previous appeal and so i shall keep this short, sweet and sincere.

I still have a huge interest in playing on loka as i’ve still been talking to many of my old friends and one of them has even gone so far as to make a new miracalis in garama of which i intend to join, extensively build, and lead to victory with my newly learned skills i’ve learned in these 2 years. I also intend to make some new loka lore. from talking with old friends, i've heard that the loka lore has been pretty dry and i want to improve upon this with new lore.

I have way more time on my hands now and i’ll play for anywhere from 5-10 hours a day depending on the circumstances of course but nevertheless i have alot more time and interest to play than before.
I’ve done alot of wrong and you may not trust me but the only way i can prove myself is if you the elders pardon me and let me show you in the server. I have tried to change myself a lot since the last appeal, and think that i have changed for the better now.

TL;DR I'm very interested to play on loka again and hope you pardon me.

Best regards,


Well-Known Member
Biggest +1 yet.

Nova has, for the last year (to the sargin of most of my alliance members) constantly in our VC's, planning conquest strategy with us, helping us recruit, and doing as much as he could to help our alliance as possible. Never in those 8 months has he been to toxic to myself or my alliance members. Infact, he's been polite, generous, and active, and has established himself as a unique and great influence to our community. Nova spend hours daily in our calls, talking with us, interacting, and hoping to return to Loka to make it a less toxic and better place. Furthermore, he helps us recruit and manage our members, and gives sage wisdom and advice often at not cost. He quite literally is anything an alliance leader could ask for!

I can also attest to his great work outside of Loka. On my personal server, UnholyMC, nova was a powerful but benevolence ruler in Rome, who was well known for his accepting and positive demeanor. He was a great person inside and outside of the game. He was also actively engaged within the RP, building, and trading scene on the server, and much more dedicated than other people to keeping a friendly and interesting environment for others. He was on track to becoming server staff because of how well known and appreciated he was before I shut the server down entirely.

I'm well aware of why Nova is banned. I've seen some of the videos of him saying horrendous stuff to people who clearly didn't want to hear it. However, it's been years now. Moose + others have been unbanned for much more than nova was. The people that Nova offended (notably Andre) came out on his last appeal and agreed he deserved a second chance. I know that Nova would actively play. If he even spent half the time ingame that he did in our discords, he'd be more active than most of the server. He's a good guy and deserves a second chance. and is much better than many of the current players on the server. +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1


Well-Known Member
I feel as though after my experience with nova both when I was in his alliance, and from speaking with him recently, I have good insight on how he feels about his ban, and Loka. He no doubt has great interest in playing loka. I feel that he is someone who was a bit edgy at times, but overall just was having fun. Seeing as Lokas uptick in toxicity I feel that at this point, as bad as toxicity/edginess is, it's a reality of Loka, and Nova was just part of it. I believe at this point, seeing as the recent unmutes and unbans, Novas past behavior could be seen as unbannable at this point. As I mentioned above, I have spoken with nova. I think that Nova has changed since his ban- two years is quite a long time and I think he has made strives to try to do better, change himself, and definitely regrets what he did. From speaking with him, he's someone who did bad things, but did change for the better eventually- like a proper redemption arc. At this point, his ban is done. All memory and most effects of what he did are gone. What he did was extremely wrong, and he should not have done any of it, but, This appeal is mostly about what will Nova do in the future. I think that just based on the shear amount of time since he was banned, nova deserves a chance. Sure, you could say that based off experience in chat with nova, he is doing the same things that he did do, but frankly-
1. He's still in many loka chats, so the ban is essentially nullified and doesn't matter if he still has an influence- He is still present in the loka community no matter what. And, quite honestly, from my time his is quite polite and well-conducted in these. He's quite knowledgable and has funny enough provided conquest advice- not even being on loka, further proving interest.
2. We don't know how he will be if he were to be unbanned. Giving him a chance is the only real way to prove if someone can be unbanned or not (as I mentioned on Flea's appeal).
So, in all, I feel it's time. Nova has been gone long enough and he deserves his chance back at it again to truly prove himself, and just put his appeals to bed for good.
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Well-Known Member
I feel as though after my experience with nova both when I was in his alliance, and from speaking with him recently, I have good insight on how he feels about his ban, and Loka. He no doubt has great intere...............
I want to just add one more thing. I think that my biggest thing with Nova's appeal here is just giving him his final chance. I want for Nova to have his chance. I respect him for trying to get back on Loka all these times, and still having the energy to want to be back. I think that giving him this final chance could just be how he can prove his appeal. I think it's important to take everyone's accounts of Nova, but again, I respect him and want for him to be given his chance to finally prove himself, and put his appeals to bed for good. Who knows, he could be great on Loka this time round, be non-toxic etc. But, giving people chances after permbans is the only way for these appeals to work. The admins need to have a sort of benevolence about these things, I don't want to bring Flea's ban into this, but, he did some bad stuff in the past, and has an arguably equal or worse (depending on what you consider worse) track record, but now, he has been given time to mature, and is rightfully unbanned. The same can be applied for Nova. I know his last appeal was not that long ago, but, I think with recent events, Nova really just wants to get back on Loka and have some fun again.


Active Member
+1 Just the time that the others here took to prove that he deserves another chance and how positive the opinions were shows that NovaSolux did change for the better And that he does deserves another chance. Ofc it doesn’t excuses his actions, but I think that it does show that he is better than he was.


Well-Known Member
I have seen Nova on a couple servers I go on so I will add my support. After playing with him and seeing the length of the ban is two years I am confident that he has corrected his mistakes and is ready for a return to loka.

Of-course like other unbans he will be on warning, and also two years is along time for someone to think about their mistakes and mature, especially at his age level.

So +1 on the appeal, I wish you luck this time around.


Well-Known Member
Now I wasn't here when he first got banned but just about 2 months ago when I came back to minecraft I logged on VL as my friend 36s told me to and he was laughing at this guy who was dming us mad that we beat him and admittedly trolled him by saying "easy" he then went on to threaten 36s and I's families and to "kill us in our sleep" now from what I know this is similar to why he was banned last, I'm unsure if he as changed as you say

He is a grown adult with the temper of a child.

Take of this what you will but -1


Well-Known Member
Now I wasn't here when he first got banned but just about 2 months ago when I came back to minecraft I logged on VL as my friend 36s told me to and he was laughing at this guy who was dming us mad that we beat him and admittedly trolled him by saying "easy" he then went on to threaten 36s and I's families and to "kill us in our sleep" now from what I know this is similar to why he was banned last, I'm unsure if he as changed as you say

He is a grown adult with the temper of a child.

Take of this what you will but -1
Proof of the in game chat? Just curious. If you can, just upload the file so we can download it and get the raw conversation.
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Well-Known Member
Now I wasn't here when he first got banned but just about 2 months ago when I came back to minecraft I logged on VL as my friend 36s told me to and he was laughing at this guy who was dming us mad that we beat him and admittedly trolled him by saying "easy" he then went on to threaten 36s and I's families and to "kill us in our sleep" now from what I know this is similar to why he was banned last, I'm unsure if he as changed as you say

He is a grown adult with the temper of a child.

Take of this what you will but -1
can we get some proof? this sounds fake + nova has shown be dms of u n 36s being extremely toxic n flaming him which i can get here


Well-Known Member
Proof of the in game chat? Just curious. If you can, just upload the file so we can download it and get the raw conversation.
Don't have it happened a long time ago- I'll try contact the owner and see if he can get DM logs
can we get some proof? this sounds fake + nova has shown be dms of u n 36s being extremely toxic n flaming him which i can get here
Believe it or not I would be toxic to the person who said they would kill my whole family?

Upload the DM's I don't care.
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