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Suggestion Suggestion for food supply and improvement

+1 as a town owner its hard to grind food especially when your alone doing it, so it would make it so much easier if there was a better way to get food or increase the passive mob spawns.
+1 as a town owner its hard to grind food especially when your alone doing it, so it would make it so much easier if there was a better way to get food or increase the passive mob spawns.
Only problem with that I see is food becomes worthless or the extra mobs could lag the server
Food becoming worthless is kind of worth it, but the extra mobs is an issue. Perhaps higher drops instead? Perhaps Level 25 perk?
literally took my idea out of admin chat LOL. I think increased mob drops would fix the problem and prevent lag spikes. That or make meat have more saturation though I imagine the first idea would be easier to implement.