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Suggestion Suggestion for Loka


New Member
So I'm not totally sure if this is where you post for suggestions, sorry in advance. But I was wondering if it would be possible to use creature's heads like Endeman, cave spiders, wither skeletons, etc for a real use and not decorative. Let's say for an example that we were to have a Cave spider head on us (keep in mind that it would not stack over the helm you previously had like leather, iron, gold, diamond, etc) If you had this head on, the attacks that you deal would do poison damage over time, or if you had a wither skeleton it would put the plague on your opponent whether it be player or npc. It was just a thought that was in my mind and would like to share it with others. Thanks for reading.


Active Member
Seems like a splendid premise, though it would have to be something a bit more regulated or perhaps custom. I believe it would be an excellent thought to make mob heads function like pumpkins do with endermen!

As far as added effects on attack, I believe it could possibly work with the right methods. (% chance to apply the effects for a very short period maybe)