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SupremeAce 5th ban appeal

-1 looks like a deeply disturbed and evil individual. 4 unban appeals denied is an impressive achievement however, and i would be lying if i said that 5 denied wouldnt be funny and thats like 5% of the reason for me deciding to stop this appeal dead in its tracks, the other 95% is all the bad things this individual has done. not the type of person you want around the lokans of the world
-1 looks like a deeply disturbed and evil individual. 4 unban appeals denied is an impressive achievement however, and i would be lying if i said that 5 denied wouldnt be funny and thats like 5% of the reason for me deciding to stop this appeal dead in its tracks, the other 95% is all the bad things this individual has done. not the type of person you want around the lokans of the world
Mimo finally having a valid opinion??
-1 looks like a deeply disturbed and evil individual. 4 unban appeals denied is an impressive achievement however, and i would be lying if i said that 5 denied wouldnt be funny and thats like 5% of the reason for me deciding to stop this appeal dead in its tracks, the other 95% is all the bad things this individual has done. not the type of person you want around the lokans of the world
acting like a mimo4 -1 decides an appeal🙄🙄🙄 (it does)