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Swayse Unban Appeal

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+1 nah ive never seen anyone this serious about being reformed they make a 10 minute video explaining why, i think it might be time for another chance


New Member
Confusing parts:
I'm not sure whether he has changed, around 4-5 months ago he had attempted to "pack me out" in vc.
It was a shocker that not long after he had made an appeal and said "I changed"
I don't genuinely know if he is actually has the kindness in his heart to have empathy and respect for others. But he could have changed.
He seems pretty cool in call, but again like I had said I have no idea if he is just acting to get unbanned, or if he actually is sorry, he has said some really messed up stuff about cultures, skin pigment, and so much more.
I've seen a lot of clips of him attempting to apologize / and say sorry to people.
He doesn't try to disrespect people anymore at least times where I've been in calls with him.
He spent a lot of time on this appeal so that's also a really big up for him.
Still seems very racist,
Still talks shit about brax's dad (but brax has does not care about it I think)
Not mentally stable maybe even bipolar.
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